
It’s that old conversation about the relationship of racism and power. You can be a victim of racial prejudice without being oppressed by power. Asian people generally do face stereotypes and prejudice, sometimes on a daily basis, and lately it has included being the target of violence (if you look like you could be

Me too, but seems like the solution is more stories that center around women of color, not necessarily fewer stories that include interracial relationships.

Lady, I don’t think we are disagreeing or misunderstanding one another. We keep repeating the same things the other is saying. Yes, illegal immigrants have been coming here for decades. Yes, that has been happening at higher rates in some states than others. Therefore, when you look at populations of millions and how

Well I guess what I’m asking is, all the criticism around the US not handling China properly makes me wonder if actually it’s bullshit that the US has any real power in that situation. Even in your scenario, they seem to be even players. I just wonder if (economically at least or in that region) the truth is that

NK and SK have exchanged fire plenty of times, but it’s usually done in a way to not cause any real damage and just to show threats. But I don’t know anything about weaponry, etc. So I might be misunderstanding you. We’re talking here about a situation in which the US strikes first, right? They’d strike all known

Yes someone posted an article about that. Very interesting, also good info about the changing demographics of the people staying illegally. Oh wait, aren’t you the person who posted that originally? As I said, in Texas (and I don’t know much about the rest of the country) the majority of illegal immigrants crossed the

Ah, I see. Isn’t that what the US has been attempting throughout though? Does China show any indication of working with US against NK? And is the economic threat really that big a deal- I mean, couldn’t China hurt the US economically just as much as the US could hurt China? I don’t know much about China- they are a

What damage could artillery strikes do in the short period of time they would have?

Sorry for being dense, but I can’t see what question you are answering. I’ve tried using it as an answer to several questions in that post, and I can’t work out what you are getting at. Could you walk me through it like I’m 5?

I don’t think he’s such an idiot. To maintain that level of totalitarian control, you must be constantly creating paranoid, purges, pitting people against each other, etc. Idiots can’t do that. I’m not saying he’s a mastermind either- more likely just a bloated rich kid of average intelligence who inherited a

Yes, and there is never going to be a point when SK says “Hey, even though nothing has actually happened yet and even though there is no evidence that NK is going to do a first strike against the US, go ahead and pre-emptively bomb them. We know they will retaliate against Seoul and take out tens of thousands of our

Only that’s not true. The US would not want to invade or occupy NK for anything like resources or strategic location or anything like that. But they absolutely do want to topple the regime and have tried various ways to destabilize it in the past. The US does, in fact, go into other countries where the leadership is

I agree it’s risky. It’s more than that- it’s insanely terrifying. What I don’t get is how people keep saying that because KJU is cold and brutal, willing to kill any number of civilians to stay in power, this means he’s suicidal or is just going to throw away the power that he literally spends every waking second of

Sigh. This is so easy to say sitting from a computer in the US. The US will retaliate, but they will not preemptively strike NK because it would result in ‘significant damage’ to Seoul including the loss of ‘tens of thousands’ of lives. You think that we could do that without SK’s approval? You think the US would just

I’m from an immigrant family, jerk, and I married one and sponsored one myself, and am also currently in the process of applying for dual citizenship myself in another country where I’ve held residence for years, and before that - as I stated in my SCREED- I worked for years with immigrants and refugees doing exactly

Yeah I think if he were to falter or if we (or anyone else) were to take him out, I think he’d take anyone else with him that he could. But that puts the risk of preemptive strike in our hands, as he is not going to strike first if we don’t because he might be vindictive if he’s losing, but he’s not going to be

Ah that makes sense. It’s a new development and one that will be felt differently in different parts of the country since people coming in with legal visas will initially have more freedom of movement. It’s interesting and thanks for sharing, but that doesn’t mean that the majority of all illegal people came this way.

Hmm, exactly my point, only I don’t think the North Korean regime is any more suicidal than any of those others. DMZ means demilitarized zone and it refers to the border region between North and South Korea.

Hold up, because I was asking (see all those question marks) and I want to hear your answer but you didn’t answer my question. I assume the US didn’t do this because they did not want to go to direct war with the Soviets nor the Chinese and instead wanted to keep the fight inside NK. So attacking China directly in

Locals in my home town have a lot of stories about seeing Slender Man. And several will tell you they personally saw La Llorna when they were driving over the river at night.