
Alright, so maybe I don’t know so much about Amelia (or Tilda) but entitled? Clueless?

Drake’s the guy responsible for the kids shouting YOLO all the time a couple years ago.


If they try to take more land, they would lose their power which rests on the threat of dissolving the status quo. They would be attacked and it would be massive war, and they would lose. Likewise, they can’t be pre-emptively attacked because they could strike back and take Seoul out with them. This is what their

According to people who have escaped to SK in the last decade or so, the general population has access to cell phones and internet (all black market of course and all illegal) and therefore are aware of the propaganda game. You are correct that he appears to have complete control. There is no resistance movement

I honestly don’t know what analogy you are trying to make. Are you suggesting that Kim Jong Un is analogous to Osama bin Laden? That makes no sense since bin Laden never had power over a state nor a military. And bin Laden’s death meant jack shit to the movement that he represented, which invariably grew in exactly

I don’t see how we’d fly over the airspace enough to do that, but even still, the problem isn’t the hearts and minds of N Koreans. But sorry about misunderstanding you!

That’s an easy assessment so long as you don’t live in SK.

The good thing is that Trump literally does nothing. He has no real opinions and doesn’t care enough about anything other than his image. He isn’t going to work hard for anything. So long as he is able to just tweet and look tough and sign things, he is not making any decisions. It’s not Trump in control of US foreign

Yup. I don’t know what could’ve happened though. If the Soviets and the Americans stepped out completely, China would’ve taken them. That would’ve been better in the long run. But since the Soviets did not step out, I don’t know if it would’ve been better if the Americans had. I don’t know the history well enough. If

What happened after the WTC and Pentagon? What I saw is that a bunch of Saudi-funded and influenced militants from Saudi Arabia and Egypt attacked the US and, in response, two other countries were attacked and then sucked the US into a war that has lasted decades, causing the proliferation of Saudi-style salafism all

What I don’t understand about the people saying this (that we should just bomb NK) is, do you not realize that NK is massively well armed and can obliterate Seoul in response to any US bombing of NK? Even if China gave us the go-ahead (and they wouldn’t btw), SK certainly is not going to make that sacrifice.

I don’t know the answer to your larger question, but there is no “they” who have been trained since birth to hate the West. It’s literally just Kim Jung Un and his regime (which is basically him). The average people there have no power, but of course they’d prefer not to be obliterated, brainwashing or not, and the

I’m not sure what your point is. How is the entire Korean peninsula a lasting legacy of this? Things are pretty awesome in SK. Also, what do you suggest the US could’ve done in NK? Short of literally killing ever person there, which the US did a good bit towards, or short of nuclear war with China and Russia? I mean,

Seriously. People are talking like the stakes are the same as a board game.

When you say “let NK launch a nuke” you mean a test? Or you mean that they are really going to nuke another country? Because why the fuck would they do that? But in any case, an attack on NK would cause them to retaliate against SK even if they can’t reach the US, and Seoul would bear the brunt of it. The US is not

I don’t see how we could do that. The first thing they’d do is retaliate against Seoul. SK would never support the US taking preemptive action, and it would be a huge loss of life for them, plus they’d get drawn into war with SK and have to deal with the subsequent fall out on both sides. Not to mention China would

I dunno. Is that true? Why? The US is not going to go to war with China over this. What makes you think China isn’t accurately assessing their risks via pissing off the US and risks via the destabilization of NK and deciding that actually the latter is worse for them? I don’t know what power the US might actually have

Are you saying that NK wishes the world to continue to see them as a threat? I think it makes perfect sense that they’d wish to be seen as a nuclear threat. It’s the only thing that provides a real deterrent against invasion. Honestly I don’t know too much about the situation which is why I’m asking, but I know enough

Yes see that’s exactly my point. Rational isn’t a word I would’ve used- I was just responding with the words others used. I used the words crazy / not crazy and talked of brutality and power. Putin is brutal, but yes it’s rational in that it serves the goals he has in mind. He would not blow up a country in a fit of

Yeah I get that. My point is that irrational people ALREADY have nukes. Putin, Trump, Modi, Sharif- this is already our reality. All these irrational people who have beefs with each other running about with the ability to blow up the world. I don’t know much about China so I don’t know if their current leadership is