
I discovered recently that several otherwise smart people that I know personally did not understand that “immigrant” included a whole range of legal statuses- different visas, residencies, etc. They were under the impression that there were only two kinds of immigrants: illegal and citizen. Once I realized how

I’m not sure how much it would matter. I grew up in an area that was pretty diverse- lots of Pakistani, Arabian and Iranian doctors, engineers, store owners, etc. And most people from my home town think Trump is great and Muslims are all out to get them. They didn’t feel this way in the past, btw. It’s 15 years of

It slows everything down so that you produce less in the same time period. That is not necessarily unfair to the workers themselves since, as you point out, they are going to make the same amount of money anyway. But it does decrease service to everyone else who is waiting and it’s very stressful to be in a high-paced

Or they could shut the living fuck up and stop trying to reduce human experience to boring fucking categories that they determine make a person all grownup.

But I agree that a giant part of the problem is that the experience, knowledge and skills that high school provides to the average student is completely out of

WHAT THE SERIOUS FUCK? What if my “life plans” are to sit on my fucking couch and eat pizza for the next year? Or have a baby? Or backpack around Europe? Or work under the table for my auntie? Or help out around the house with my family- caregive to elderly or babysit the children and cook for my hardworking mother?

Hispanics are white under certain circumstances. They are black under others. They are mixed under others. They are indigenous under others. This is because “Hispanic” is not a race. It simply means that your ethnicity includes people who were colonized by Spain. This is why there are people of all races speaking

Look, I get that there isn’t a direct line between races - neither socially nor scientifically- so of course there will be disagreements. But I have no idea what universe you are in if you think that “middle Americans” (Do you mean midwesterners? People in the middle of the US? Middle class Americans? Average

Why? You have 79 stars for this, so I’m not sure what I’m missing here. Obviously he is reflecting on how he felt then (when he broke up with her) with what he feels now (when he wrote the letter). Am I being daft?

Gosh some of this is getting really over the top. Someone else mentioned shooting someone after drinking a wine cooler.

We don’t know exactly what the OP is talking about. If someone gets drunk and rapes you, obviously hell yes they should go to prison and there is something very fucked up about them. But what if they

This is a great response, thanks. The only thing I’d add to it is that it’s the repeated behavior- the pattern- that makes even a situation like trying to kiss someone a major problem. If your friend gets handsy and tries to come on to women every time he drinks, even though he’s been told about it and says he’s

I was thinking the same thing. I didn’t say it, but if you hang out with gay men long enough, they will open up about all the straight guys with whom they’ve had sexual encounters. And I think it’s more common among sexually frustrated young men who feel some affection for their best buds than most straight women

Exactly. This is exactly what I was referring to as well. If the guy repeats this behavior regularly or if he doesn’t realize it’s wrong when you talk to him about it the next day, then he’s probably a douchebag. But alcohol removes your ability to think about consequences as well as your ability to pick up on social

Every body keeps saying that all it does is remove inhibitions, but I’m not sure what the basis for that is. It also removes the ability to make judgements, to understand consequences, regulate emotions, and to perceive social signals. This is why a drunk might sit around and ramble on and on for hours to someone who

Yes, it’s assault. Yes, it’s also OK that it didn’t traumatize you. Harassment and assault are very traumatic to some people, and less so to others. I’ve been in situations where men were forceful, coercive and insulting. Sometimes my feeling has been annoyance, other times rage, other times fear. None of them ever

I know what you are saying, but this isn’t the way to go about it. What change is indicated? What revelation did he have? He simply described terrible behavior, then said he now realizes it was terrible behavior, and said he was sorry for said terrible behavior. That is in no way an act of self-reflection. What would

The stereotypical Dem/lib response which is to say that simply leveling the playing field or providing better funding will solve all racial problems. This is obviously not true, and when you point it out, people are sometimes quick to call you a racist. I’ve found that acknowledging that reality and then talking about

I don’t know what this has to do with whether or not most people agree about what real issues are. You are pretending that because you disapprove of someone’s emotional thinking, that means they either don’t care about an issue or else don’t think it’s a real issue. I’m not arguing whether or not people are working

Exactly. Despite the well-thought-out answers to your question, this is what bothers me too. It’s messy enough with two people. Three? Ok. But what about more than three? Four? Five? When is it too many? As someone who has been in a multi-landowner dispute, I know how insane this shit gets.

Polygamy in fundamentalist traditions has been very problematic. It’s important to remember that it’s the fundamentalism (and subsequent restriction of rights and lack of options) that is problematic, not the polygamy.

Also, while I agree that the ACA was an improvement on the current situation and also way better than the GOP’s currently proposed alternative, it’s also true that the ACA was a fucking nightmare. Do you talk to people who work in healthcare? I’m defending the ACA against the Republican attack a lot these days because