
Because they completely disagree about the causes of the current health care crisis and the disagreement about that cause leads to different solutions to it. Obviously, and as I’ve stated several times. Do you ever talk to Republicans?

You know, this is probably fool-hardy, but I’m going to try for a sec to honestly engage you here because I think it’s a disservice that there is no alternative narrative to the mainstream liberal idea that if we just give better laws and more money to disaffected groups then they will rise up and succeed. And because

The most obvious reason is that, like most humans, he might have gone through events in his life that changed his perspective between the time he volunteered and the time he made the video. We have no idea without asking him, but I could speculate as to plenty of other less obvious reasons. For example, perhaps he

Yes I agree with this too. Actually I think immigrants make more sense even than LGBT people. Thing is, the country was literally built upon the backs of populations that had their bodies, liberty, labor, etc exploited- often to the point of being bought, sold, murdered, raped, starved, etc. That includes most

Well I thought it was the idea is that a colony is exiting a larger power in favor of local autonomy. It doesn’t work because the EU is not an empire and the UK is not a colony. But yea, I can see why it wouldn’t work from the pov you mention as well. I didn’t even think of that. If that’s the misinterpretation

Ha ha. I wondered that too. I thought, damn all these people are far more beautiful than average. I guess they are probably actors?

I saw this earlier. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I understand the sentiment. I think it could be more powerful if it included other people, but I also understand think it’s worthy for them to make it about themselves, and that might be more powerful to other black people than if it were a message intending to

I don’t know how you are extrapolating what I believe, but I’m not going to read your takedown of your version of my beliefs that was never stated in the first place. What I’m saying is that most people do, in fact, care about issues around health care, criminal justice reform, wages, warfare, etc. They disagree about

Aardvark, if you just want to have a pissing match, I’m not down for that. Obviously there are billions of people on the planet and so there will be outliers. But you can’t seriously claim that, in the general population of people in the US, there is any significant number of people who do not consider health care,

No. He’s just backed into a corner and trying to charm his way out of it by being all “I’m woke now”. Nope. There is no way he didn’t know it was wrong in the first place. These SV technocrat assholes are all on a massive entitlement trip right now. They made money doing something when they were young, and they’ve

Gross. He’s only reflective because he got caught. There is no way he somehow got so far in life and work without knowing that you don’t hit on people at work and you don’t force yourself into other people’s bedrooms.

It depends on what you mean. I’ve been to parties where someone might have a racist uncle who rambles about unpleasant things. If it’s possible to enjoy myself with the group of friends who just roll their eyes at him but maintain social politeness when we happen to be around him, sure. But what statements like this

First off, most of those people are not politicians. They are media and industrial oligarchs. So you are looking at the people who literally run the country against the interests of the general public- the people who make the laws, the people who pay for the laws, the people who set the public narrative. If you can’t

Then tell me if I’m wrong, but you aren’t asking what real issues are but rather what should be done about them or what causes them. Because there are plenty of things that everyone agrees are “real issues”. The fact that Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the entire developed world, for example, is a

You missed the point. The point is that the real division and polarization is from these people (the ones with real power and wealth) vs the rest of us, and the way they maintain that power is by making us think that the issue is about all the crap that they are doing to us (Rep vs Dem policies) when actually it’s

Fuck you people down playing this. First off, there really are people fighting each other in the streets over the shit the people in established media and politics have been brewing and stewing for the past few years. Where have you been if you don’t know it? Second, and less dramatically, this has split entire

Are you serious?

Nah. I’m not suffering from cognitive dissonance. I’m perfectly well aware that chickens are beheaded so that I can eat chicken. I don’t have any ethical or logical difficulty with that fact. But I don’t want to watch it. Not because it would make me not want to eat chicken, but because I don’t want to see the

As for Musk... What’s so fascinating (or even remotely unique) about a rich businessman who divorces his wife after she has loads of babies and then dating a younger blonde celebrity? It might not be casual, but it’s certainly as mundane as it gets.

First off, if this guy is on the left (and I’ll take your word for it, I hate FB but I believe you) then for sure that’s a politically motivated murder and score it on the left’s side. Now we’ve got political violence on both sides, and I’m not condoning this at all. It would make sense since it seems he targeted