
Well thanks, no reason to be snarky. That’s why I said I’d learned about that 15 minutes before posting from someone who is an expert on Afghanistan and not on weapons. I had never heard of these weapons prior to the attack and that’s why I asked about them and posted that here- to learn and make corrections. (I

A day before the attack, she said that she would strike the air field exactly as Trump did. As for her larger plan, we have yet to see if that’s what Trump is going to do or not. A lot of the military and intelligence community supported Hilary’s plan and some didn’t. That’s why I’m saying it’s important to see what

I don’t really know so much about NK but the headlines most recently are that the US is considering a pre-emptive strike. I don’t know if the world would blow like that. Surely the Chinese have some control over what they do?

What country isn’t, sweetie?

Not that I expect you to read this but this situation has next do nothing to do with conservatives, liberals or ISIS. It’s about folks in the military and intelligence communities who’ve been wanting to use these weapons for a while now and were restrained a little under Obama. Now they aren’t. But if Hilary were in

What? It’s not like the leaders of the military nor the intelligence community have changed just because the president changed. Trump literally carried out Hilary’s plan exactly in Syria last week. Exactly the same thing. This is after months of campaigning on the claim that he had different policy goals in Syria than

Yes on foreign policy issues, there is a difference between Trump and Obama. But Obama did wage loads of war. (On domestic issues, there is a world of difference). However, I don’t know that there is too much difference between Trump and Hilary. He’s doing in Yemen and Syria exactly what she wanted to do. I don’t know

Yes that’s true, but consider how much he did and then consider that they’ve been eager to do WAY more, and that should give you chills now that they are going to get it. To be fair, they were excited to get Hilary in too because she was going to escalate as well.


My guess is that it won’t be a nuke, and if it is, it will be small ones and not launched by a state. I don’t think we are going to face an all-out nuclear war. If we have small tactical nuke strikes, it will probably just become normalized like everything else. But who knows anymore. I share your concerns.

Yea but it seems like loads of NAmericans and Europeans fleeing all this stuff are heading to Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, etc. I’ve been thinking of it myself. :)

I don’t know much about either, but isn’t Australia dealing with the same sort of nationalist jingoism that we are? Also wealth disparity and effects from climate change? And don’t they usually send their militaries to our conflicts? I’m not making these claims, seriously asking (as I said I really don’t know much

We are over a decade into a huge and dangerous arms race with the Russians, and if you aren’t aware of that then you really can’t have any perspective on any of this.

There won’t be a draft. I really don’t think so. For one thing, the wars we fight don’t require thousands of US soldiers to die. And if it did and there was a draft, Americans would not stand for it. The industrialists and weapons dealers and imperialists all require the wars to be on-going. Right now, Americans will

But which countries? Anything we’re in, Europe is going to be in too. And if you’ve been following the politics there, things aren’t any better. They are facing all the same problems we are.

Aside from the fact that it’s super expensive, contributes to an arms race, will do nothing to harm ISIS, will do plenty to continue to contribute to terrorist recruitment in the region, and will do nothing to resolve any conflict in Afghanistan?

I absolutely empathize with your frustration. However I can answer your question. As with most things, the truth is complex. I learned this about fifteen minutes ago when I asked a friend who’s an expert in Afghanistan to explain this to me. (Keep in mind that being an expert in Afghanistan does not mean you are an

No it wouldn’t. That’s why I said it’s the fact that women have voluntarily had sex with men throughout time despite all the consequences and treatment from men that disproves any stereotypes about female sexuality. Rape, prostitution, and putting out to your husband because of the institution of marriage and the need

Yes of course. But we aren’t talking about slavery throughout time or slavery as an abstraction but the specific generational slavery of black people here in the US on which the country’s economy and infrastructure was built. And in that world, it was very unlikely that person of color or a poor white person would

I definitely feel your frustration. It’s also the frustration that black people have been feeling for decades now. I think women and black people (therefore especially black women) have so long been shit on that it’s invisible and acceptable. Most people really never thought about gay people before Stonewall, then