
What non white southern farmers were trying to get slaves? I mean, I’m not saying this didn’t happen, just that this is an aspect of history that I’m not aware of.

I did see that. I don’t know how to get them to listen though.

I’m not blaming other minority groups. I’m saying it’s still acceptable to shit on poor women, and part of the reason LGBT rights are advancing while women’s rights are regressing is that half of all LGBT people are men.

The fact that women have voluntarily had sex with men throughout time despite all the ways that men shit on them and all the consequences that women bear from sex with men goes a long way to disprove any stereotype about women not having a sex drive etc. When I read the news and see what is happening, it makes me want

I’ve really crossed over in the last few years between thinking that these attacks were about abortion to realizing that it’s really just an expression of their hatred of women and the poor. Closing low income clinics and restricting access to cheap birth control is a way to get them both at once. Then when you

I felt this way too until last week. What I think has happened is that Trump, an idiot with no real ideology of his own who is lazy and just wants to be on TV looking like a strong guy, does not have the stamina or interest in taking sides in a GOP power struggle. He’ll just go with the path of least resistance that

We don’t really have to wonder about this. There are immigrant detention centers around the country already, and they’ve already housed families- including children- under Obama. I think a million immigrants were detained in these facilities. So we know what they will look like- they look like low security prisons

They could call up reserves for the national guard in the interim. National guards doing border security is not a new thing. Allowing them to work in cities would be new, and though Trump has suggested it for different reasons, I don’t think he’ll get it. But he could use them to help out on the border until they hire

I dunno. Do you think so? I’m certainly terrified of that too, but I don’t know that it would play that way. I think it would depend on what the Chinese do. In any case, if we believe the mainstream media (which I mostly don’t), strikes against NK are already in the works.

Jerkface dickhole cake of course, what else do jerkface dickholes eat?

Well that’s what I mean. This might be a myth, but I thought it gave the economy a short lived immediate boost as industry and demand are ramped up for a couple years. Followed by a decline because of the expense, taxes, diversion of resources, etc.

Yeah there is a perception bias that happens because you are only aware of when you notice people who are trans and not when you don’t notice. In the past I thought I always knew when someone was trans until a woman I’d never thought of as trans revealed to me that she is a few years ago. Then it happened that I saw

Well I don’t know how noticeable to TV viewers since I didn’t watch the show. But when I googled it, the images that came up included Zeke shirtless, and his scars are visible in still frames. I don’t know if you’d notice them on TV though since he’d be moving around and you wouldn’t have the foreknowledge. But surely

Oh I didn’t know that. I haven’t been watching the show though. In any case, it’s a shitty thing for the other guy to do, but I’m suspicious of how these shows work. I bet it was planned.

Obama deported nearly 3 million people. A lot were from the border but many were from city raids. So we have the capacity already in place to deport 3 million in ten years. Trump says he wants to ramp that up which is scary, but even if he just continues what they have current capacity to do, he’ll be able to deport a

Thanks. Hopefully people will wake up at the midterms and prevent the worst of this.

And I’m saying nonwhite and not black because, while blacks were enslaved, where I live in the south (Texas) slaveholding wasn’t really a thing until right before the Civil War, and it was the people of Mexican descent and the Native American population that suffered most from US policy. So I’m including all of them

I agree with your point about reconstruction.

Don’t you know. The Civil War was not about defending slavery. It was about defending culture. The fact that this culture was entirely dependent on slavery is incidental.

If they mean that they can remove the embryo or fetus and keep it alive outside my body then fine. Do that. It’s the response I always have to people who argue about viability at an earlier date. Fine. If its viable outside my body then take it out of me and let it be viable and you grow/raise it. Whatever this has to