
What does that even mean? I mean, the part about slipping up and revealing it? He does look trans, but it’s the surgery scars that make it obvious. Was taking his shirt off “slipping up”? If I met him on the beach, I’d just assume he was trans and we didn’t talk about it because who cares. It would never occur to me

Zeke does have top surgery scars and frankly his face looks a little feminine. Those two things alone wouldn’t lead someone to know for sure, but if the outing guy is an asshat, he might’ve had the hunch and gone with it to see the response. If he was wrong or right, it could’ve been meant as a way to insult him.

I’m thinking having come of age before the internet and cell phones were a big thing.

Yes. I always thought that because he’s not conventionally attractive and also doesn’t have the features to be a real villain, he doesn’t get as many interesting roles as he could pull off. He’s great. Salma too- for exact opposite reasons. I like both of them. I think this movie looks terrible, but the performances

Meh. This was made so we could vicariously experience the comeuppance we want stereotypical rich capitalists to get at the hands of a values-driven woman of color, but it comes across as way to heavy handed and simplistic. In real life, Beatriz wouldn’t be there, the rich people wouldn’t talk like this, and any

It’s not that I disagree with you, it’s just that it seems so easy to avoid (don’t get on that car) that I don’t see the point in being annoyed about it.

I’ve found that too. When I’m around people who do that, I try not to be the stick in the mud who is annoyed by it, especially since they are able to juggle. But it still bothers me. It’s probably just a generation/culture divide.

I dunno. I don’t live in NYC. If these commenters here are any indication of the reality there now, then performances in the cars of the subway have A) increased and B) become more aggressive in attempts to get you to pay for them. If that’s not the case, then dismiss what I’ve said.

Go ahead! I’m not so clever as to have come up with that myself, and now I can’t remember where I read it.

Granted, I’m one of the olds. But it has been my experience that this sort of behavior (lots of selfies, lots of texting while you are supposed to be socializing) is acceptable in some social circles and not in others. Most of my groups of friends and acquaintances do not do this shit and would call each other out if

Yes I’ve worried about that too, but now that he has fallen in line more or less with the standard hard right GOP figures, I don’t think they will impeach him or anything. Trump took the path of least resistance. They were worried about him when he was taking his marching orders from the likes of Bannon and the NRx

Because the talking heads on the news shows are NOT journalists. They are celebrities. Their business is entertainment and easily digestible simplified sound bites that keep the ratings going. It’s why they can spend months saying nothing at all about Russian spies and yet nobody understands jack shit about Yemen.

I think it’s another indication that the US is becoming very much like a third world country. Like, when you travel around India for example, you are constantly surrounded by people putting on various “shows” in your face for money and then hard selling it to you if you don’t pay them for it. Personally, I think it’s

Paris isn’t really a city anymore. It’s a tourist destination and entertainment hub. Then you get to the outskirts where things are real and terrible in all sorts of awful ways.

Yeah but what I don’t get about this attitude is that you could just get on a different car. It’s not like they took over the entire train. If I were forced to hear this, I’d be annoyed too, but that’s not how subways work.

Why? I think it’s wonderful. Also it’s a subway, not a plane. You could just get on a different car.

Yup. And Prince is making them pancakes.

How hard is it to not flush your condoms and instead throw them in the trash? I mean, really guys...

These guys are ALL domestic abusers. They ALL hate women. Seriously, it’s the one thing that unites them. Like far right Republicans. It’s the missing key to so many issues, just there in plain sight.

Well he’s a much better actor, has a much better physique, and isn’t a member of a weirdo cult so if we are ranking them, I think she’s upgrading. But, nah, I don’t care. I just wanted to say that his baseball cap looks stupid. I think people should stop wearing baseball caps, especially these big stiff ones that