
Yes to all of that! I can totally see why the artist would be personally bothered by this, but also on some level he must think it’s cool to have created something that is part of a living installation with renewed meaning and interest this many years later. That’s the sign that you’ve made something really good- when

Actually YES I can’t think of anything cooler than if it became a street art war with artists dropping statues and other pieces all around it that reinterpreted the scene and allowed for a million perceptions and discussions for blocks.

Yes! That’s what I was trying to say too, but you said it better! I like the way it’s evolving with the landscape and with time. I also like (in an ironic way) the fact that an ad agency is involved b/c that’s so indicative of the times we live in. And I like the fact that the bull artist has sued a bunch of people

I think you are both right here. The bull was a symbol of the resilience of the American people to recover from the crash- that we would charge on, etc. I don’t think that makes it necessarily a criticism of Wall Street greed, etc, but it is a symbol of people’s ability to overcome hardship. The difference I suppose

Ha! That’s so good. As soon as you post it, it seems like the most obvious take, but it’s so good. Bravo.

Yeah, it’s an old argument, but worth repeating. The people who work for ad agencies are often visual and graphic artists. It’s just like how in the past, an artist would seek the sponsorship of a king or noble and then work on the projects that flattered those people’s interests, today people with these talents often

Or a little Hilary which is what she’s been much more identified with. Again, installed by an ad agency, standing up to the people who’d like to raze Wall Street, manipulating a genuine desire to empower women, etc. Seems perfect.

Can we have meta Metta world peace?

Yes, also because it does change the meaning of the bull statue. If the bull was there, charging Wall Street, as a symbol of the strength and defiance of the people, and now the girl is there standing up to the bull- what does that mean? The girl is standing up to the people? This makes the most sense, considering the

Yes, to be clear, mine is happy to see me every year. I probably misrepresented. He said that the new recommendations say he shouldn’t see me every year and that his personal opinion is that if I have a year of clear paps that he is cool with seeing me every three years, but if I want to go every year, he’s cool with

Yes, but you aren’t really understanding. If the only downside to annual pap smears is that you think more regular knowledge about my body will cause me to worry more, and I’m telling you that more regular knowledge about my body causes me to worry less, then you aren’t showing that you understand. You are telling me

I’d enjoy Alec Baldwin a lot more if he weren’t a sleazebag himself.

Oh I see. Yes you are right- this probably does affect the way he relates to her. He’s the sort of man who seems personally offended by the existence of women who are not conventionally attractive.

He wouldn’t bother. And to be honest, it’s probably the only positive thing about this whole nightmare. He breaks down all the pomp and decorum around the office and reveals what it really is. It’s like pulling the curtain back from the Wizard of Oz. The US is a bloody imperialist power run by a military industrial

US presidents never go anywhere without creature comforts. There are fancy hotels and banquets for rich people in Zimbabwe too. Even when they to go actual war zones, they just fly in.

For those of us old enough to remember how publicized the Marla Maples affair was, it’s interesting to see Tiffany as the end of that story. Discarded mistress, discarded love child.

I don’t know. Has Tiffany done anything awful? I assume that unless someone is extraordinary or has some worldview-altering experience, they will grow up building a life with whatever tools they were given, and considering Tiffany’s toolbox, do you think she’s been complicit in terrible things? I don’t know enough

He looks like the love child of Boo Radley and Montgomery Burns.

Thanks for explaining that, and yes I did learn from it. However, I have the strain of HPV that DOES cause cancer. And yes, when I have abnormal paps (which I’ve had a few times over the past 10 years), they have me come back for a colposcopy. In every case, the colposcopy came back with nothing at all wrong with me

No, all the stories I’ve heard were similar to this one- fast growth after a pregnancy. Scary stuff.