
I’m sick of dichotomies like the one you just presented. Do you actually believe it? I was a Bernie supporter. I think Hilary is terrible for all sorts of reasons that have nothing to do with her being a woman. I think the DNC is terrible. I think they lost this campaign because they tried to appeal to the center,

Chasing Amy has always been a horrible movie. It’s always been insulting to both women and gay people. And Kevin Smith has never been very funny nor talented. I really never understood the love for him. I mean, the plot of the movie is that the gal did something SO SHOCKING that she has basically lived her life in

In the context of this conversation and the various legislation proposed today, they are calling these men out on their hypocrisy. Yes, when people are known to judge other people’s lifestyle and appearance, it is appropriate to call them on their own lifestyle and appearance. It’s like how it’s perfectly fine to be

Yes I’m surprised this hasn’t made bigger news. Prince has been a part of Trump’s inner circle since at least this summer. There are a handful of guys at the core of all Trump’s plans, and Prince is one of them. It’s the only reason Trump ever gave DeVos a chance, and I’ve been surprised for a while how little

They perceive themselves as being that way though. Honestly, I think that Trump has no idea that he is fat. Seriously. Like, they are all so accustomed to constantly judging and viewing others and creating the standard by which others deserve rights, that it has never occurred to them that they are even capable of

Ma’am, don’t you understand? I’m a white man with money and a microphone. Anything other than 100% compliance with my arbitrary rules will threaten my feelings of superiority and authority. If you continue to behave in any way other than what I allow, I will use my muscle to escort you out. This is for your own

This is how I’m feeling every day. You are not alone.

But you have the support of the overwhelming majority of Dems, independents and non-voters, plus the support of a minority of Reps.

No, it’s still not even half of them that support it. For example, there are currently like 120 Dems in the house that will not sign on to support Conyers’ bill. That means only 80-something do. This is a move in the right direction, but it’s still a minority. And we are talking about the libs here. It’s an uphill

There is no possible way that either Sanders’ senate bill nor Conyers’ house bill is going to pass. In fact, Conyers’ bill is going to die before it gets to the floor. But it’s important long term because it forces the Dems in both houses to take a stance. If we can publicize the bills enough, Dem constituents can

Not feeling the Obama love. He seems like a great husband and a feminist and a good father. He’s intelligent and well-spoken. I think he did his best on trying to pass health care reform. I appreciate his SCOTUS appointments.

Look, I really hope both these people get the help they need and figure out a way to be a happy and healthy family- whatever that is for them. Fine, no judgement here for her personal decision. We don’t know the details, and I don’t really care. But...

To me, Atticus was more a white savior figure. And that’s part of the reason white liberals like the book so much. It allows them to feel good about doing the right thing without making them confront white supremacy. The book is smarter than its readers though. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture, and Atticus doesn’t

Well to play devil’s advocate, we’ve created a society in which most people do not get to see death as a normal part of human life. But it is a normal part of human life, and it’s going to happen to you and every person you know. You are going to live through the deaths of the people you love, and you are going to

Anything can be normalized. It’s not so long ago in this country that public executions were family outings. There are plenty of people who are still alive now who remember that time. There are photographs of it.

If we were really interested in combating terrorism or making the world safer for American citizens, we would have very different allies & radically different foreign policy. But it’s not that I’ m some expert or anything- certainly loads of brilliant scholars and investigative reporters know far more than I do

No I think they should weigh risks with costs, like we do in all other aspects of life and security. For example, yes we ban knives. I think that’s smart. We also ban liquids and fingernail files. I think that’s stupid. Banning laptops is stupid.

If you are in wealthier circles, you can live in a western bubble in India where dating is similar to (not the same by far but similar to) what it is like to date in the US or Europe. But the vast majority of people don’t live in that bubble, and their dating prospects are literally nonexistent. So what ends up

They are horny and feel entitled to a woman but they have absolutely no practice interacting with women, have been taught that the only women who have value are virtuous ones, and see that other people around them in wealthier circles and on TV/cinema are getting laid all the time.

When this really happens though, it will not be like this. There will be artificial wombs. There will be sex bots. And women will only exist as a sort of gender fetish.