
OK I’M SO CONFUSED. They are all just moms right? I mean, I’m sure they do all sorts of other things and other work, but the thing that unites them as a group is just that they are all moms? They aren’t all, like, Fox News Execs who happen to also be moms? Or something like that?

Also let me be clear, I’m not sure if you understand that people who fly a route frequently for work aren’t always working on the plane because they are “overworked”. Those are part of their normal working hours. They are frequently at the airport, and you are required to get to the airport early. So they spend a lot

No, business doesn’t work that way. People don’t just ‘understand’ when work doesn’t get done or laptops full of corporate info are lost. What will happen is these people will fly other airlines or take a route with a layover, and the airlines targeted will be affected economically which is exactly why this stupid ban

Well studying nuclear physics is sooooo boring.

Well to be fair, there is no incentive to steal the ballots. It would be a felony, they know who you are, they have your car info. You’d have to go to a lot of trouble to get away with stealing them (stealing a car? fake name? false fingerprints?) unless you were willing to spend your life on the lam or face prison-

This was CA, but I’m not there now. I can’t remember if we were supposed to always have just two people overseeing ballots, but since it was literally a few hours training and most of the people game to do the job were underemployed people who wanted to make a buck (not something i have a problem with mind you, just

First, I keep asking- but is the requirement that the electronics go in checked luggage?

Because electronics are ubiquitous and people are going to travel with them. Phones and laptops are not choices for most people anymore but items that they are required to use for work, school, etc. They are not going to be able to travel with them. Banning them from cabins does nothing to make you safer. They can

Yes I agree. There is no way business travelers are going to check their laptops with their luggage. Is this what the ban is requiring? If so, it’s going to cost the airline.

That sucks. It’s scary. The world is a terrifying place full of dangerous possibilities. Let’s see- potential responses could be increased screening of electronics or out-right ban. In either case, the terrorists will think of something new and scary again. That’s why terrorism has the word terror in it. There isn’t

Hold up. I’ve read conflicting reports about this. Are you simply required to stow your electronics in the cabinet during the flight? Because that’s stupid and inconvenient, but not a big deal. Or are you expected to CHECK your electronics with your luggage? If that’s the case, it’s wildly impractical and causes all

Every time I recommend this post (click the star) it reduces the number. I started at 19, and now it’s at 0. Weird huh?

The Milo supporter shot the protestor. Did the protestor have a gun too? I haven’t heard that. If you mean the Milo supporter, I don’t know the UW rules, but with so many people out (and it happened outdoors) I don’t see how anyone would know if someone was breaking the rules. It’s not like you get frisked when you

Hmmm... If the antifa folks are actually seriously hurting people (you know, like the Milo supporter that shot a protestor last week or the white nationalist that killed Muslims in Quebec a couple days ago) then I condemn that. But if they are just lighting demonstration props on fire, smashing a few ATMs and punching

Yes. An entire weekend of protests, millions of people on the streets, and the only violence against people (not trash cans) was caused by a Milo supporter shooting a wobbly.

I can’t see your picture, but I can’t imagine why I need to. I don’t mind discussing it with you - I enjoy it in fact. But you can’t start a respectful conversation by telling me to stop just because you don’t like it. I don’t care if JAN changes their name. Groups in that region frequently change their names and

I think I was pretty clear on it being the fault of Bush/Obama admin (the origins you mentioned resulting from the policies of both) and not Obama’s admin alone. Also I think you are discounting the larger role of Saudi and Pakistani funding/training which has been going on for decades with US support. Also both of

A few things. First off, we could stop exploiting and interfering in Central America. The US supported the coup in Honduras recently- life is total hell there now. If you look at the very violent history of US involvement in Central American regimes, you’ll see this is not new. Not that I’m saying all problems there

The weird thing is that sometimes Trump stumbles upon things that are true. Obama and Hilary did not create ISIS on their own, of course. But the US has a huge responsibility (both parties) for creating and spreading Islamic jihadis, including ISIS. Both indirectly (by destabilizing Iraq and Syria and causing that

He’s not the darling of Evangelicals. The Evangelicals have only ever made up a very loud vocal minority of Republicans. The Republicans can (and used to) exist just fine without them.