
This will be his second time on that show btw.

Or the fact that people will just continue to hide in the tens of thousands of vehicles that cross the border everyday.

Baby wearing is great. Also, I think they have done a lot of good work towards bringing back acceptance of breastfeeding, even long term. Also they have made cloth diapers more convenient and practical.

Yes you are correct about that. I could have rolled down my windows and let the ballots fly out across the freeway, and it would have only affected my own district- and not in one direction or the other. Plus, I’d have surely been heavily fined for it.

It was then.

Yup. When friends first started doing it, it seemed like a common sense and healthy thing, and I was supportive. I’m still supportive on an individual level - whatever people want to do, OK. But in every single case of people who followed AP, it has caused long-term disharmony in their families (bedtime fights, almost

Oh yes- older generations. Sorry, their opinions about lifestyles don’t even register in my mind but yes you are right. I’ve heard that from my father, my cousin (one of the sahds)‘s parents, my in-laws, etc. You are right- I didn’t think about that. I meant people under 60 generally- people still in the work force

First off, I don’t know if this has anything to do with Russian government. Could, for all I know. I’ll go with what the FBI says, sure.

I’m probably not going to argue with you about this. Long-distance stuff is not more/less ethical than local stuff, likewise big companies vs small, etc. The issue is if the workers have good benefits and pay and working conditions and that is often determined by how well they are organized (or allowed to), and having

Yeah, I’ve worked those elections, with the white-haired folks. It’s not so fool-proof as you think. At the end of the night, those boxes (sealed with tape- what the hell do you mean “vault”) are cut open. All the ballots are counted and squared away against the number of voters who signed in those books. Inevitably,

First off, I disapprove of your stereotype.

Look I think that all sucks, and I wish it were better, and I don’t at all mean to belittle your complaints.

Ha ha. Seriously though, women who are not truck drivers do go on long road trips and manage just fine. You learn to regulate your bladder in elementary school. But in case you are curious, there is a thing called a Go Girl which I use on fishing trips when I’m stuck in a boat drinking beer all day.

Then your comment should be against systems that alienate workers from their work. Not against the work itself.

It bothers me when people take a negative view of very decent jobs. Do you know anything about this job? I assume there is a wide field with a lot of variation in pay/opportunity, but the long-haul truck drivers that I know make a decent income with good benefits. Perks: no micromanaging bosses, no coworkers in your



Nonsense. Here’s the thing. People have kids. Almost all of them. Poor ones, rich ones, responsible ones, murderous ones, saintly ones, nurturing ones, indifferent ones, assholes, kind folks, people with loving families, people who are loners, people who struggle, people who have cups that spill over. Working people

As I posted somewhere else, I have close friends that are stay-at-home dads and they have never mentioned anything negative or positive from other people. I mean, they are not judged harshly like you say, nor are they praised as gods among men as others claim. It’s just normal.

Hallelujah for not romanticizing the past! I hate hate HATE all this fakery about the good old days when families were better and society was better and everyone was all natural and whatevs.