
I have a few friends who are in marriages in which the dad stays home with the kids. In one case, dad works, but far less than mom, so he is still the primary care-giver. None of them say anyone has batted an eye. I don’t know if they just aren’t sharing, are too busy to notice, or if it’s more common than usual in my

Really? That’s your take-away from this article?

My mom too. I used to go home with other kids whose parents had snacks for them as a part of their home-from-school routine and talked to them about their day. I was jealous (in a childish way). My home-from-school routine was to let myself into the house and pretend to do the homework and not watch MTV until my

Seriously. It was a norm when I was little for kids to be in their rooms alone as soon as the risk of SIDS was past and for parents to lock their doors and for kids to have no memory of ever being allowed to sleep in their parents’ beds or go in their rooms in the middle of the night. Almost none of my peers (who were

Good catch.

Saying that you are sick of something in your country does not mean that it does not exist anywhere else, just that there are other alternatives. Usually you swap one set of problems for another, but I’d say the idea that you are supposed to single-handed do everything without help is a very American idea. Perhaps

I’m sure someone has mentioned this, but it’s probably not a good strategy for Hilary to point out that someone closely related to the Trump campaign has faced allegations of violence against women. Duh.

I repeat, there is no scientific evidence (or even an argument) that an embryo or early term fetus is a human being. If there is no evidence to the contrary is irrelevant since you are trying to make restrictions based on something that is not proven. You have the burden of proof, and you can’t do it. Not the other

Putin is a murderous thug. The US is a violent imperialist state. So it makes sense to consider foreign policy from the point of views of the various nations making decisions, regardless of the fact that those nations are headed by violent thugs or neoimperialistic hawks or whatever. Putin’s actions make sense, from

Ha ha. I was in my 20s when Hilary made those statements. I know all about her tenacity and the way the right conspired in a witch hunt against her. My comments are within that context. That does not change the fact that nepotism is undermining US democracy (one of many things that is doing so)- both with the Bushes

I’ve never tried the diva cup. I realize now that I’m making assumptions,but I really don’t know how it would work. I mean, I bleed very heavily. How would I manage this outside of my own home? Do I rinse it out in the sinks of public bathrooms? Seems impossible on work days.

I’ve been to three already, and all refuse. I’m thinking of getting it done in India.

I am not covered by ACA. Though I’m glad it’s free for the women who are.

Putin has every right to interfere in American politics as a leading American politician (Clinton) has openly discussed how she is going to isolate Putin’s Russia and has anyway already contributed to doing that via Assad- whose removal she desired because he was the only obstacle to a pipeline that would challenge

Snowden always struck me as way in over his head. And pretty damn naive.

Maybe. Obviously if I have to choose between two sides, I support the US because I live here and it’s in my best interest. And if you compare domestic policy and freedom of the two countries, then the US is light years better than Russia under Putin. But if you are looking at it strictly from a foreign policy point of

I’m not sure why anyone ever thought that wikileaks would be take an American point of view in anything. They are not an American organization. Assange is terrified that the US government wants to imprison him. And while Putin is a violent dictator that I don’t want to live under, they are sometimes the people

No. The only AMERICAN they help is Trump. Let’s keep in mind that wikileaks is an international organization and these hacks are Russian, and there is plenty of valid reasons for the world, and Russians, to be concerned about Hilary as POTUS.

I don’t get the attitude here. Wikileaks has recently released correspondence showing how much Hilary pushed for intervention with Gaddafi as well as how much she supported escalating the conflict with Assad - partially because she viewed him as an obstacle for a pipeline to Qatar to isolate Russia. Now these are

I’m not sure what you are getting at here. There is a difference between being a political insider and being a next of kin of a former president. Bush Jr is a son of a former president. Hilary is the wife of a former president. In general, we should not have that sort of nepotism in a functioning democracy. Yes it is