
Vaccines do have risks. Everything has some risk, and vaccines do as well. The risks are statistically minuscule and have nothing to do with autism, but there are slight risks- especially in terms of seizures which can affect some people longer term, and in terms of autoimmune response. Still, highly unlikely, far

I have no idea why you are being snarky. You told an anecdote without hardly any information. I politely and pleasantly responded with a similar anecdote in which I said the EXACT SAME THING your pharmacist said but had an entirely different meaning. If your situation was very different, you could simply respond by

Yes I think that is exactly what I said. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s disappointing and that the fact that it goes down this way in society is infuriating. Am I supposed to just sit by and smile “hooray! first female president!” Uh, no. I’m going to call a spade a spade. And I think I’m being fair here too.

Maybe not. We weren’t there. But your story provides no information to the contrary, nor does your response. Therefore, it’s perfectly reasonable for your readers to take your comment that way.

I don’t care what she did with her life. Her choices are her choices- I’m not judging them. What I’m saying is that she is in the position she is in, right now, because she married a man who was a rising political star, put her own goals on the back burner to support his rise to power, and then won national

He might’ve been empathizing with you. Loads of women cannot afford it. I just purchased emergency contraception for a friend. It was closer to $60, and no, she did not have that much money. It’s irrelevant if that is cheaper than raising a child if you have zero money. This might’ve been what the pharmacist meant as

WHY is it so hard for the leaders of the Democratic ticket to be adamantly prochoice? I mean, seriously.

I don’t think it’s fair to judge her personally for all the crap that went down with Clinton. The Republicans did a lot of that. But she certainly holds a fair share of the blame for the health care debacle (though I don’t know that anyone could’ve done better in that climate) as well as the crime reform. I have not

EXACTLY. I think people need to be talking about this a lot more. Hilary was a failure as Sec of State. Things have been better under Kerry, but Hilary was a complete disaster. In retrospect, I think Obama really was in over his head- I don’t think he knew what to do in the middle east and then took her advice too

Yup I agree with all of this.

Look, I’m going to vote for Hilary too because a Dem in office is a million times better than a Rep, but I can’t wrap my head around people who think she’s actually a really good candidate. She lost to Obama. She nearly lost to Bernie. She’s neck-and-neck with Trump, a candidate who even most Republicans don’t like,

Warren, btw, did do that rather stupid thing about claiming to be Cherokee though. I can forgive her for it (more naive than malicious and a long time ago) but I do wonder how that would play on 24/7 cable news if she’d run. Also, the fact that she didn’t, makes me think there might be some reason- like maybe there is

I agree entirely. I do think Hilary hate is steeped in sexism and it’s totally disproportionate to anything she’s actually done to deserve it. But just as a feminist, it bothers me that the first female president is going to be also a former first lady. I mean, there are millions of people in this country. Surely we

No but it does affect the way you present a public persona. At some point in her long career, she and her handlers decided the most strategic thing would be for her to present herself as likable. They’ve put a lot of effort into this, and the result has been that she has a reputation as being totally insincere. If she

I’m pretty sure she said nothing at all in that speech. Did I miss something? How can these people talk so much and so frequently without saying a damn thing?

Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren are also not as good as Obama and Bill. Those two are incredible orators, and other people don’t even come close. But Michelle and Warren are both good. Hilary, on the other hand, is terrible. She’s really bad at giving speeches. It’s part of the whole insincere unlikable thing

Hilary is a terrible speaker. I just wrote a post about this. The problem isn’t with acknowledging that she’s a horrible orator. We acknowledge that about Romney, too, for example. The problem is that it hits an emotional/sexist nerve with some people. They aren’t just saying that she’s a terrible speaker. They are

She comes across as unlikable and insincere. She is not charismatic, and she’s not a particularly talented orator. She’s practiced A LOT and has people to train her, but she’s just not a natural public speaker. These things are all true. Obama and Bill are both very talented public speakers who ooze charisma. Plenty

It is a viable human life when it is living outside of my body on its own. If the damn embryo is a human life, then it should have nothing to do with me and I should have no responsibilities to it. Take it out and let it live then. I don’t understand what is hard about this. I have no idea what you mean about defining

I am not required to experiment with other forms of abortion simply because you think I should. Get over yourself.