
Loads of people have thoughts like that late at night and early in the morning. And it’s lovely that they found someone with whom they could share those thoughts. What’s surprising is the second thing you said. Why in the world do they think that anyone who doesn’t know them would want to hear about those thoughts?

I agree with everything you wrote here, just saying. It feels really good to be in a group of people who build one another up. It’s also necessary to take risks to be creative, and it can stop you dead in your tracks if you are around the sort of people who want to ridicule or pull you down. Sometimes I think women do

I really don’t think anyone is attacking her for being smart. Also, these emails aren’t really that smart (if the above is any indication). Here’s the thing- she can and should write whatever she wants to whoever she wants, and if they have an intellectually stimulating exchange, that’s awesome. But to assume that

virgin, not version, ha haha ha

Hold up. You live somewhere that the muscle tone and body of Chris Hemsworth is considered generic? Because I really REALLY want to visit that place.

The judgement is not about attractiveness but about style. Those guys are choosing an average and very common look that screams “bland” and “bro”. Also worth noting that it’s a still photo, and people’s attractiveness varies according to attitude and mannerisms and personality. So if you look something like this in

This reminds me of how I couldn’t tell some of the guys on Friends apart at first. This is also why I never understood the obsession with Ryan Gosling. He’s basically the epitome of the look they are going for.

Aside from that, it’s still batshit crazy, even by her totally wrong logic. Let’s say your labia DO get fucked into flabbiness. What does that have to do with the number of partners you’ve had? It would mean that a young woman who marries a man when she’s a version and then gets fucked by him until she is Taylor

Oh, I agree. I was just attempting to give context, not to say that they are the same thing. Times are also very different. I think it helps to understand what drives movements to exclusion and specificity- not saying that BLM is in the same place. I was just pointing out that there is a precedent for this sort of

First off, there are plenty of people explaining this. I’m going to assume you aren’t asking for the explanation yourself. (If you are, please ask and many people here will explain. I’ll give it a shot too.) But to say that no one is explaining it is unfair. You can go to the BLM website and read explanations. You can

The jobs argument- Did you see the powerful CNN interview with Philando Castile’s mom and uncle? They seem like really amazing people. It’s hard to watch, but absolutely worth it. I can’t imagine the strength it took for them to come out so strong and speak with such integrity and clarity.

Seriously. I can’t believe so many stories are talking about this while pretending that the SCOTUS hasn’t previously actually APPOINTED a president.

Are they really saying that she crossed a line that has never been crossed by commenting on a presidential election? Did these dolts sleep through the 2000 election? I mean, surely the SCOTUS appointing a president is waaaayyyy past that line.

I’ve found that it helps to use a war analogy. The problem is that the people who respond that way are still stuck in the paradigm of seeing the police as being on their side. So it’s hard for them to understand the situation. If you put the same situation in a different context- like a war- then replay the same

It’s because of television and films. In real life, people do not respond the way they do in fiction. Somehow, people are confused by this.

I LOVE Melissa McCarthy’s dress, omg.

Except in her analogy, the cop is the robber and Philando is the scared person in the house. And the robber shoots the homeowner.

Yes, people don’t account for how recent it is and how long things like this can affect families/communities, etc. Some things I point out to people. On one side of the family, my grandparents were share-croppers on cotton farms. Black sharecroppers in my grandparents’ time were not slaves of course- but they were not

BTW, I’m sorry my post was all weird. Something is happening to my mouse that is making it cut and paste and repeat entire paragraphs without me realizing. Also I probably wasn’t articulating well since I’m angry.

Sorry but my computer is being all weird and I can’t scroll. Plus my mouse is jumping all around and my comment got garbled. I don’t know if you can make out what I meant to say, but for some reason I can’t go back and edit it so it is posted all fucked up- repeating entire paragraphs.