
Seriously. I have no love for guns, and if I could build a time machine to go back and rid the world of them, I’d do it. But I have never heard a rational or effective plan for implementation from any gun-control advocates- what it is exactly they want to ban, how they would restrict, what they’d do about the guns

I thought it was so you didn’t learn about the existence of dinosaur bones.

I’m going to be pedantic here because since I grew up in Houston, these sorts of stereotypes annoy the hell out of me. Since Houston is only about 45% white- and about half of those white people are Hispanic (since that’s not a race and not counted separately) and only half of those non-Hispanic white people are

The problem is that they literally believe that there is a baby at conception. I’ve tried this as a thought experiment. If I really believed that someone was murdering actual babies, then it would be something I could not leave alone. This is why gay marriage - which is also something that people have a religious

Yup. I think people aren’t honest enough about how fucking hard it is. Loads of people regret having kids, yet no one is trying to outlaw parenthood. I think, also, that if people were honest about how hard (and often unrewarding and boring) child rearing is (and that’s when it’s not even complicated by special needs

Seriously. I tend to be unsentimental about early pregnancy and unapologetic about my desire to lead a sinful selfish life. And yes, I’m frequently violent and drunk in my spare time when there is no one around to harm. Plus I have zero patience for repetitive and boring bullshit. Combine all those things and then

Have you ever been on the other side of an antichoice protest or attended a rally/meeting over abortion rights? The antichoice side always has a lot of women who, themselves, had abortions and now regret them (usually after finding Jesus, but for a variety of other reasons too). They always show up to protests and

Preach it!

Yes. Not only that their experiences are not universal, but that they don’t get to choose what other women regret. Life is full of choices and regrets- other people don’t get to make those decisions for you.

I’ve asked some former antichoice people this question, and they say it is a combo of both. First, in the fore-front of their minds, they believe this and repeated it. They also really believe they are saving the lives of actual babies. Second, beneath the surface of all that, they know the laws don’t actually protect

From regret. Seriously. Some women who had abortions later said they regretted them, and therefore, no other women should be allowed to make choices because there is a possibility that they, too, will regret them.

Yes exactly. I think the “becoming archaic” thing is them dying slowly.

Really don’t understand the hostility to this simple idea. And the sarcasm does not help convey any point that you guys are trying to make.

Oh OK then. Sorry I took you literally as there really are countries that ban beauty contests. Most famously, several Muslim countries will not allow them. But in recent years, several Latin American countries have kicked around the idea of banning them while France has banned them for minors. While I like the idea of

I guess I’m really not following the argument here. I’ll try to rephrase it, and then let it go.

What does being worthy of love have to do with holding / winning contests? Why do you keep focusing on bodies? Do you think that athletic achievements do not deserve celebration (in addition to other achievements)? I agree that contests about people’s bodies is totally crazy and unethical for all sorts of reasons.

I’m not so fond of banning things. This isn’t a dictatorship. There are better ways to put pressure on private businesses including boycotts and pressuring advertisers and creating bad press, etc.


What I was suggesting is that it have nothing at all to do with bodies whatsoever. We celebrate all sorts of human achievements and talents. Athleticism is a valid thing to celebrate, and we can do it without focusing one bit on their physical appearance or body shape. There must be loads of teenage girls who are

Ah yes, you’re right. I did ask that. I meant more in terms of her own workplace but your information was totally relevant and interesting. I think I was being a little defensive because I thought you were suggesting that I didn’t believe the situation existed rather than just asking for more info. Glad you got out of