
She’s totally channeling Max Headroom here. Can’t be accidental.

Whoa. Sorry these are your experiences, but half the population is women, and plenty of them have enjoyed casual hookups without those experiences.

The girl’s response could be heartbreaking. Or it could be a manipulative and strategic statement to capitalize on the media attention. I’m not just being cynical here (though I’m doing that too). Kids LOVE to be outraged and to feel wronged, every bit as much as adults.

Egads. People who were young enough to be punished by their moms for fighting in the backseat of the car on the way to Tarzan are now old enough to discuss the Brexit vote...

Yup, with no preparation. Their heads are filled with the idea that all these kids need is a teacher who TRIES REALLY HARD to reach them, and they have the arrogance of youth to believe that THEY WILL BE DIFFERENT than all the more qualified and experienced teachers before them. Plus, since they are doing Teach For

Meh. If they are stupid enough to do this on school computers, they deserve whatever professional punishment happens to them. It’s violation of school policy, no doubt, and highly unprofessional. But there is no way in hell I’m going to jump on the moral outrage bandwagon. Their mistake is not the totally normal (and

Things are safer for children now than they’ve ever been at any point in American history.

The vast majority of teachers do in fact “get another job” to the point that it is a national problem. At some point, you’d think Americans would start to realize that it can’t be the fault of the teachers.

Teach for America is a joke. It takes starry-eyed young people with very little preparation and puts them in the most difficult schools in the country where they almost never remain. It’s a revolving door of arrogance and incompetence with a lot of broken hearts in the middle.

I think the key source of dispute here is that you automatically make the assumption that the student tried at all. Most people would be floored how little effort most students put into anything these days.

I think the point isn’t that the kid misspelled a name. So what. The teacher who originally brought it up is doing so because the kid misspelled the name in a way that is unconsciously funny- the sort of clueless error kids do all the time. Like when they say “Holy Trilogy” when they mean “Holy Trinity”. I had a

Seriously. It’s so obvious they are venting that I really am surprised by the outrage here. Part of it is actually funny even.

It’s worth noting that the teacher who called him an idiot is not the same as the one who posted the spelling. If you read it as a conversation and not as some piece of moral outrage, it makes a lot more sense. Teacher One posts something amusing - telling coworkers how the kid spelled someone’s name. Teacher Two

It’s why I left too, but the problem was more the disrespect/violence from the kids who were being forced to attend school despite the fact that they didn’t want to go (and their parents didn’t want them to either) than the money. Though, yes, the pay is low and after benefits taken out, absolutely not worth the hours

I really don’t know that teenagers deserve any more protection than any other member of the public. I think our knee-jerk response to feel all precious about anything negative said about minors is part of the problem. But naturally they should be treated with the same human rights and human respect as any other member

I agree with that, totally. However, I also know that hyperbole is a thing in the world and that frustration requires venting and humor to defuse. If a teacher wrote an op-ed talking about how beating children would improve education (and some do!) then I’d likewise be offended. But that’s not what happened here. One

I’m not going to leap from a simple expression of frustration like “I wish I could slap him” to racism. They aren’t even remotely the same thing. I think you are being willful here. Do you have children? Do you work with the public? You are saying that you have never FELT frustration with those people to the point

If this really shocks you, then you probably want to avoid most teachers, doctors, waiters, nurses, flight attendants- basically anyone who works with the public. As well as the vast majority of parents. It’s absurdly naive to think that people don’t get frustrated and say things like “I could just slap him” or “He

In the context of a private venting email to other teachers, absolutely. In fact, not only would I be OK with it, but I would expect it. Because it’s totally NORMAL.

Because you said: