
And the other third?

Wait a minute. I thought those things were caused by masturbation at night.

Yes, but the problem with your analogy is that the problem is if you FOUND OUT that your boss was saying those things. If your boss was privately saying those things while still treating you with respect in professional life, then what difference would it make to you? Teaching is a job. It is not a religious calling

People who have never spent long periods of time around any children other than their own have some weird line in their heads between children and adults. So if you point out that some adults are assholes and that some adults are idiots, they tend to agree. But if you say the same thing about children, they freak out.

Your CERTAINTY is wrong. I was a teacher for a decade. This sort of talk is totally normal among teachers in high stress jobs. Even very dedicated and talented teachers who love their work sometimes say things like this to let off frustration. You laugh about it together and it builds a sense of shared struggle among

Not just that, but kids are really terrible much of the time. That doesn’t mean you have any right to inflict physical injury at all. It does mean that it is totally natural to sometimes want to inflict physical injury.

Yes, it’s TOTES cool. If you actually DO it, then that is a problem. Wanting to do it? You are a liar if you say you work with / raise children and never experience frustration levels so high that you momentarily WANT to slap the living shit out of them. Sane, professional people don’t. They cover that frustration up

Hold on. How were they insulting students if they said it in private messages to one another and not to the students?

Because most people who voted leave are aging working class white populists who have been hurt by the recent economic situation. Just like most Trump supporters. Moreover, they misunderstand the cause of their economic woes and blame their decline on immigration while feeling sentimental about a time when things were

Yes, I did. You’re right.

That’s a really good point.

I know what you mean, and I think it’s an important point. Also that sort of retrospective over-analysis is damaging to the survivor. I say that because I have lost someone to suicide and done the same thing. I spent a huge amount of time analyzing all the supposed red flags. But then those same behaviors (which

Well to be fair... I doubt that most men who are pushy and creepy and make statements intending to cause women to feel vulnerable do not turn out to be rapists. But I bet most rapists are men who have past behaviors in which they were pushy, creepy and made statements to cause women to feel vulnerable. See?

Did you read the linked article? It appears that it was just a picture of breasts, and one person responded by asking who it was. Then it was deleted and there were no other responses. So it’s possible that no one else even saw it, and if they did, it’s also possible that they didn’t know what it was about. If some

The statement said that they’ve been instructed not to discuss the case, but that they support the victim and condemn Brock. As for why they didn’t say anything beforehand, if you mean in a social way, then yes I agree. I think it’s important for other men to call creepy men on their shit when they see it. But we

I’m not sure where you are going with this. Yes it absolutely makes sense that they would come out after the fact and say these things because they have discovered (after the fact) that he has received an extremely short sentence based on this attack being a supposedly totally out-of-character one-time thing. So it

He was trying to make them feel vulnerable and/or objectified. It’s a way to reduce someone - to show that you don’t see them as whole persons.

Did anyone read the article about the photo he took? It’s linked here. I’m so confused. So there was a third witness? He checked out the victim and Brock ran off? And then what? The third witness went away and Brock returned?

I don’t see what that has to do with anything. She probably doesn’t write her speeches herself either. The point is that the account is hers, like the speeches are hers, like her policies are hers, etc. We all know she has a team working with her, but she is the leader of that team. She is the one responsible for the

You’re right. I should have said petty insults. It is not a succinct comment. It’s an insult, even though it’s jokey. And it is petty, and I think the president should be above such things.