
He’s of a generation of comedians who were all misogynists. In the context of his time, he was pretty liberal. Yes, he had issues with women in his personal life. He is usually forgiven for them because he owned them and made no excuses. Also because it was all consensual, adults, etc. You could say most of this of

Meh. Seems like the president should be above petty bickering like this.

Was Mormon Guy drunk too?

Yeah it’s hard to get tone across when you’re typing online. I really meant the analogy- because murder is never consensual but sex is, I think it helps sometimes to consider that as analogy. If you were blackout drunk and you killed someone, you’d still go to prison, despite the fact that you couldn’t remember it and

Um, I was not being insulting or sarcastic. I reread what I wrote and I’m not sure what I said that insulted you or made you think I was being sarcastic. I’m honestly trying to see the situation from his point of view because it is fascinating to me the way he does not see himself as a rapist when, even from his own

Again, making it a clear sentence.

Gosh, I just can’t stop with this guy’s writing. If this is the way his brain works, it’s like all his thoughts get turned around and inside out to remove ANY aspect of personal responsibility whatsoever. It’s amazing! “One needs to recognize”. Who? And why the lecture about what whoever that is needs to do? Also the

I’m tempted to rewrite his entire letter, but here we go with that sentence:

Wow, he is a really bad writer. Keep in mind, he’s not just typing something out quickly on the internet. This was his statement. I assume he worked on it and other people read it first.

People’s writing gives you a window into their thoughts, at times. When someone writes something that is so poorly constructed as that, it’s usually because they aren’t really sure what they are trying to say. They have a feeling that they wish to express, and they haven’t really thought through the reasons why. If

I’m perfectly willing to accept his side of the story. His side is basically that they both got drunk. They were flirting. She left with him willingly. She was drunker than him, in that he needed to help her walk, but clearly they were both drunk. Then she fell over because she was so drunk. She passed out and became

Well two things. First, people who are blackout drunk aren’t going to rape someone just because they are blackout drunk. Second, if you rape someone when you are blackout drunk, you still raped someone.

Today’s though? I mean, hasn’t that always been the case?

There has always been news about Depp being a shitty boyfriend. I don’t know if anyone has ever accused him of violence before. But your suggestion that people either are or are not abusers and that they don’t change is just untrue. People behave differently in different relationships, and people behave differently at

I mean, before I started shooting up, I wasn’t doing anything but living the straight life. You know, getting high, getting drunk, fucking ghosts.

Yes. And the weird thing about this is, even if he wanted to come right out and call her a confused immature girl, wouldn’t that be even worse for Depp? I mean, what’s the bigger insult? Being a confused immature girl or being a worldy middle aged man (who’s very smart, very nice, very caring) who has a toxic

Exactly. Everyone knows that proper real life domestic abusers only eat dinner with their spouses in their underground dungeons.

Or the last few weeks she was with him, she was only staying to help care for the mom. Then when she died, she was like “see ya!”

How do you know it’s the SAME white people though? I mean, there are enough white people that the general group that likes broadway may be different from the general group that hates hip hop.

Look, I didn’t see the interview so I don’t know the context, but isn’t it totally likely that he’s being funny? I mean, the idea is that rap is hip and that white people like rap to be hip, which is a sort of stereotype and a joke, though it’s not a very funny joke by itself. But then when you add to it the fact that