
Flying too close to the sun? Feel the Bern? Icarus?

Yeah. It’s been upsetting for us on that end too. But then the Bernie Bros were an extra slap in the face, because several so-called progressive friends (the ones you think are allies) have gone Bernie or Bust on us. The political climate is so ugly now that I think a lot about just moving.

If he does it tomorrow (after the CA and other primaries) then he could still manage to walk away with respect. But if he carries on after tomorrow’s primary as if he had the election stolen from him, he will have eventually crossed the line into egotistical mainstream politician with entitlement issues.

Harper Lee texts me back, but only with baking tips. Who’d have guessed?

Egads siblings are like monsters experimenting on one another to learn how to be decent humans. Good on you, brave parent.

I don’t know what’s going on in this thread, but since it redirects all my comments to someone I was not writing to, I deleted this and another.

Oops wrong person. Deleted.

No. That’s probably the first step. But the second step isn’t to say “I can’t imagine raping anyone, but people do that shit.” The second step is to say, “I can’t imagine raping anyone, therefore there must be some misunderstanding.” Which is the problem. The only reason you’d be surprised that serial rapists are a

That may be but I’ve still never seen a baby that size be that coordinated, black or otherwise. But as another commenter pointed out, I might be assuming she is much younger than she is. She looks a like 12-18 mo to me. But maybe the video makes her look smaller than she is.

Don’t the guys have traditional clothing to wear as well? He looks so out of place. Hot, but out of place.

The first two photos are actually of styles that look really good on my body shape. I have small breasts and am pear shaped. I’m a small person, but muscular and because my hips are wider than my breasts, it makes me look like I’m bigger than I am. But when I actually bought a swimsuit like this once, it was hella

I remember people pointing out that if either Hilary or Obama got the nom, it would be historic. I think the assertion that it’s sexist to oppose her is absolutely ridiculous- don’t get me wrong. But it is true that Sanders is an older white man running for an office that has almost always been held by older white

Yeah, I agree with your interpretation. Sexist? No. Stupid? Yes.

Well that makes me feel a little better.

My husband had long hair for a couple of years. I loved to play with it! He was beautiful with his long hair. Sigh. But I also totally understood when he was ready to cut it off and not deal with it anymore. Been there, done that, you know? is a matrimonial site. It wouldn’t be an arranged marriage in the sense that it’s not a girl that his parents selected for him, but it’s not the same as meeting someone on tinder either. Most ads on shaadi are placed by the bride or groom’s family, so if he met her there, he probably went through one of her

Sorry to hear that. You don’t need that added stress on top of a new infant. If you get along with them, that’s different- they could be a huge help. But if you don’t, then that could be a nightmare. This just happened with my cousin, and it was really hard on their marriage and made an already stressful time even

It’s still pretty common for Indians to live with their parents until they get married, unless there is some reason to move out- like your job takes you to another place. It’s still pretty common for in-laws to move in as well. If you get on with your family, it makes a lot of sense. You save a ton of money, have help

Have you ever had long hair? It’s a bitch to manage. As people get older, they tend to stop caring so much about unimportant shit that takes a lot of time to deal with. What I mean is, a lot of women keep their hair cut short as adults for the same reason that they stop wearing stupid trendy clothes. When I was 15, I

When I see cute kitten videos, I only like the black ones. White kittens? No way.