
I don’t think it’s more common with powerful men. I just think we hear about them more because they are famous or public figures. Also I think rich and powerful men tend to get younger or more beautiful or famous women. But this sort of thing happens all the time with regular folks too. I agree about how absurd it is

He says occupations change. Also, you are not your occupation all the time. What about when a cop is killed off duty? What about when a former cop is targeted and killed? And with your Roof analogy, you missed where he was arguing that the category protects/serves the police- not the perpetrator. So what about when

Good point. Or even when they are older. Though, to be fair to him here, we have no idea how his estate is set up. He might have money that is in a fund for them that his wife cannot access, no matter what- death, etc. This is how it works with my stepfather. He married my mom later in life. He has some money. It is

I was not talking about perception, but actual legal process. Generally, as I said, I don’t have a problem with harsher sentences for people targeting cops. But theoretically, yes, you will eventually undermine the hate crime category if you apply it to every attack that is not personal. I mean in a practical way- if

Are you a clinician? Seems like you’ve seen a lot of this.

Shame people can’t just be more honest and self-reflective about what they are feeling. I don’t think there is anything necessarily wrong with a middle aged man having an affair with a young woman, and vice versa. It was probably initially a whirlwind enthusiastic bit of fun for both of them (for different reasons).

Who said there was a connection? What I said is that this LAW is being passed in response to BLM- it’s an emotional and political move, carried on by indignation people feel towards BLM. I did not claim that anyone targets cops because of BLM.

I just can’t relate. The very second you find yourself out on a date with a woman (or man) who is in their early 20s while you are in your 50s and have a partner with whom you are raising children etc, you’d have to ask yourself if this is cliche or not. I get screwing around, but the delusion that this very young

I’ve lived all over the world. I currently live near a base, yes, but I don’t know anyone there. I have a brother-in-law and a cousin in the military in the US and two uncles who are in the military in India. Socially, I live in a small town and I volunteer in the community, especially with the Park Service, so I know

Yup I know that. To a certain extent, I sympathize. But at some point, even someone in the midst of this, would recognize that he is following the pattern of a tired cliche and wonder what the chances are that HE is not in the midst of a midlife crisis but is instead actually one of the very few middle aged men who

Are there seriously people who have never met a cop or a member of the armed forces? I know several of each, including family members. Some are pricks, the majority are just normal people who bring up their jobs in normal conversation the way anyone who works with the public might. I disagree with your stereotype.

In addition to what Helga says, it also undermines other hate-crime categories. If you make every group a protected group, then you lose the impact of saying it is a hate-crime. Personally, I don’t have a problem with punishing people who specifically target police (as in the Texas example). But I do find this law

Wait, what? Louisiana crazy...

Well that’s not totally true. I agree this is awful, but some people DO target the police. There was an example cited right here in this article. Obviously all the counterpoints as well (already harsher laws and more protection, not targeted at a rate remotely similar to other groups) but it DOES happen and it’s

This is what bothers me about it. I don’t actually mind laws that provide harsher punishments for people who specifically target police. But that’s not the motivation here. What’s happening here is exactly as you said. People are so angry about BLM that they will pass this sort of legislation just to show how much

Yes, I’ve done it myself recently. It brought out all sorts of crap in my family and caused a permanent division between myself and one of my brothers. Luckily, my husband and I did fine together. It was one of those experiences that really test your relationship, when you discover just what kind of partner you have

This wasn’t love, though. Lots of people really don’t know what love is. This was classic midlife crisis rebound passion/lust. Relationships and love are difficult into middle age with children, especially with your own declining youth staring at you from the mirror every day. And then you feel the lightness and

The sort of man who would do something so idiotic as leave his family and a long relationship to marry a sexy young 25 year old who he’d been dating not very long is also the sort of man who would not get a prenup. Because obviously he was self-delusional to the point of really believing that this young sexpot loved

Why should someone get spousal support if they have money and have no children? I get the need for a financial settlement that is fair if they have shared property/debt/investments- and maybe she should get some money for those things. But alimony payments? For what? She has her own money and a career. She’s young and

Yes, it’s absurd. I really can’t understand it. I mean, surely if it was just dick wanting young sexpot, he could have found a fwb or a well-paid enthusiastic call girl. But no, he has to go and marry her! I mean, really, the delusion that a mid20s sexy girl is going to want to love YOU forever and ever, despite your