
Have to say... It might have been a big surprise to a gal in her 20s to discover that people in their 50s pretty frequently spend time caregiving to elder parents.

I don’t get the point of directing that antipathy towards the woman in her early 20s who is single rather than towards the middleaged man with children and a decades-long partnership with the mother. I’m not saying Amber is not at fault too, but clearly the grievance is not evenly spread between them. She is immature.

I don’t care what either of their reasons were. The relationship was a ridiculous cliche from the beginning. They both should’ve known better, but Depp really seems like a fool here. Amber- she just seems immature.

You would think that middle aged men with teenage children and middle aged partners with whom they were in decades-long relationships would stop marrying very young sexy women in the middle of their midlife crises. It’s so cliche that I can’t even wrap my brain around how anyone could be so stupid. This relationship

I think the poster was talking theoretically about conservatives. The current Republican party is not conservative. There is a need for a conservative stance in a political climate. The Republican party is not that conservative stance.

No surprise at all about Depp and Heard. It’s always amazing to me that everyone except the middle aged man himself can see what these sorts of relationships really are.

You didn’t respond to anything I said. I didn’t know Bernie Bros was condescending. I thought it was a term for men who support Bernie or bust, which is something they openly proclaim. I did not mean it as an insult, but just to distinguish the Bernie or busters from the more nuanced Bernie supporters (which, as I

Just a quick note. I’m off work today and yesterday. This morning I was listening to Democracy Now, they had Chomsky as a guest yesterday, and he spoke a little bit about Trump and Bernie appealing to people for some similar reasons. He also referenced this article, which seems to be making a similar history of

For sure. Just using the term “millennial” to mean by default “spoiled white male who thinks he is liberal” shows that even in my mind, the unchecked default is the white man. I’m wrong on that account, plus as I've acknowledged, on the larger ageism here- it's not Millennials' fault. So you are correct to call me on

I don’t think participation ribbons matter. I think this is an easy thing that people like to latch onto because of its emotional resonance. I worked in schools from the late 90s through about 08, then off and on afterwards, and the participation ribbon thing has been overblown. They still play sports, they still have

She won CA in 08, and this was at a time when Obama was already winning otherwise and people were pretty much saying he had the nom in the bag. So if she won then under those circumstances, I bet she’ll do better this time. Though I wish Bernie would just concede beforehand and exit gracefully. He could still retain a

Yes, and CA counts its votes in a different way. I was there for the 04 election so it's been a while and I might not have this exactly right, but don't they allocate delegates by proportion of votes in each district/region rather than in the state as a whole? Because if that is the case, then winning a few big

Perhaps, but I think it has more to do with the internet. The gamergate thing really opened my eyes to this, plus the Mens Rights guys and the ones that shut down the Hugos last year. Now this with the Bernie Bros. Just talking about spoiled white guys here (as all those movements are mostly white dudes) - I think

Whoa, you are right. I really hadn't thought of it like this. But you and the poster who pointed out that they are liberal white nationalists are so right. It explains so much about so many frustrating conversations I've had over the last few months with supposed progressives. How in the world did I not see this

President Sanders is impossible. It’s time to stop talking about this as if it is an option. The choice is between Trump and Hilary. What Sanders could or would offer is irrelevant. He is not a viable candidate anymore. He lost because more people voted for Hilary.

I don’t mind you having a different opinion, but it’s really condescending (as well as just factually and objectively inaccurate) for you to assume that the source of my disagreement about Hilary is due to unawareness. Have you read anything in any of these threads? Because you are just repeating the tired line and

Yeah, I’ll tell you what to google. Easily verified. So the thing is, when he was in his early 30s he wrote essays for a magazine, and the essays are embarrassingly bad. I don’t judge him so much- he’s building a career as a politician and legislator, not as an intellectual or writer. So whatever. That was a time when

I have a friend (not American) who used to say this about American white men. That even the really liberal ones were actually racist misogynistic Puritans deep down. My experience has not been that, mostly. But I don't actually have that many white American men in my intimate life. But my white American male friends

Half my family is from India, the other half from Texas, and my husband is all Indian. We’ve lived both places. I can’t access your book link. If you tell me the title, I will search for it. Thanks for the comments- interesting to hear that pov. I hadn’t thought too much about his failures in the south, but something

I already took it back. It’s nothing personal against your generation. It’s just the habit of older people complaining about Kids Today. I hated it when old people did it to my generation, but now that I’m one of the olds, I find it an oddly satisfying thing to do. It’s a defensive mechanism I’m sure. Bernie Bros are