
I was mostly being frustrated when I said it was Millennials. This is ageist and a stereotype, and of course there are plenty of unreasonable Bernie supporters who are not young and plenty of young people who are perfectly reasonable, etc. The "I Am Special Look At Me" song had its origins in trying to create personal

That’s a really fascinating point of view. I had not thought of it with that word (nationalist) but yes that is what I’ve been describing and feeling all along. You are correct. It’s also the argument that I’ve had with all the Bernie supporters who tell me they will vote for Trump or sit out the vote because the


Yes but I remember that when Nader was spoiling everything, there was very serious discussion about voting for him in red states. I voted for Nader then because I was in a very red state that had no chance whatsoever of turning even a little purple. Locally though, I voted Dem for everything else. And I was practical

Someone pointed out that Bernie and Trump are the two populist candidates. They have a lot more in common with each other than we'd like to think. I'm not sure how nationalism factors into this. Trump seems like a nationalist. Bernie, not so much.

Whoa. Silenced and censored? Seriously? There is absolutely nothing at all stopping him from laying out his plan. He has been asked about it on cable news and in the press, and he could have as much time as he wants to explain it. Progressives (some of whom actually are socialists) have been laying out the details of

OMG you are right. That hypocrisy is so in-your-face that I totally missed it. I’ve been arguing with Bernie supporters who say that Hilary is going to win because of superdelegates by pointing out that even if you eliminate superdelegates OR if you appoint them proportionate to the popular vote, Hilary still wins.

Yes, exactly. Especially when they then try to lecture you about corruption. It is a good question though. These people are newly politicized, generally. So it comes with a level of really naïve enthusiasm. I think a lot of it will wear off by the general. But I wonder, is this because of the Internet? I mean, when I

Right. Because the only people who are going to be offended by Trump's comments are the women that Trump thinks are too ugly to fuck. Does this dude even realize how he is criticizing Trump while also validating the logic of Trump's argument? Asshat.

Are they both straight white citizens? The woman, yes but she's probably (not certainly but probably) past the age of having to worry about being forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy. My opinion is that many of these supporters honestly can't consider the effect of policies on people other than themselves.

I’ve met a lot of really frustrating older Bernie supporters as well, but the only people who say that, when it comes down to Trump v Clinton it doesn’t matter who wins since they are the same, are either too young to actually remember a Republican presidency or else they are angry white straight male citizens.

Yes you are correct. I'm being ageist and I'm stereotyping. I'm just frustrated.

Um, no. Two things about this sort of logic troubles me. First off, a LEADER has a job to display leadership which includes directly and repeatedly speaking out against this sort of behavior. You don’t ever get to check it off and say “done” so long as the issues persist.

SECOND- and this is the more troubling one-

Yea, what was that about? Was he snoozing?

I felt this way the first time his supporters started attacking Hilary and saying misogynistic things. And his response was to tell them to be civil and notice how he is always civil and use that as their guide. Which I thought was half-assed. I was glad he called them on their behavior, but he didn't specifically

It’s not the living on their own. You can live with your family and be a responsible adult. Loads of people do it around the world. Frankly I think the American idea that adulthood=moving out was invented by people selling furniture and towels, etc. More people living on their own, more consumers with households of

I'm starting to wonder if it really is about Millennials thinking everything is about them and having no experience with long-term problems - just assuming they are entitled to instant gratification. Like they are stomping their feet and saying "it's not fair" and then telling the olds that we need to wake up and see

Except that the Republicans have also traveled to the right. Frankly, Trump is a moderate Republican. Cruz is a far right one.

Listen, I get what you are saying and you are correct. But you are incorrect that people are naïve about this. To me, it sounds like Bernie supporters are naïve. LIke, just last year, they had no idea what a corrupt system the military-industrial complex is. I’m glad they learned. I’m glad they are outraged. I’m glad

Yes, and she doesn't threaten to deport people or carpet bomb countries, she supports marriage equality, and she's capable of speaking to other world leaders without sounding like an idiot. It might be low standards, but I will vote for her over any Republican.