
YUP- this exactly, I could've written it. It's become about his ego, and it's reckless to keep fanning the flames of bitterness and resentment. Credit to him for mobilizing a movement. Now he needs to let go of his ego and harness that movement- direct it into long-term progressive activism. The Dem primary is over.

YES! I disagree with you about Clinton being super liberal, but absolutely about the progress being a long term game. These Bernie supporters remind me of spoiled children who take their toys and go home in a tantrum when they don't win the game. Where the hell were all these "activists" in the last two decades? Were

And also I think we are seeing a lot of ego in play now. Shame. Becoming the monster you set out to slay. It's an ancient story.

Yes. Absolutely. And also the lack of organized grassroots sustained progressive movements. But neither of these things has anything to do with the fact that Bernie supporters a) were not organized in NV , b) cannot objectively look at the facts and see that they are losing because more people have voted for Clinton,

I voted for Bernie, but I'm sick of this shit. Ordinarily I wouldn't blame Bernie for his supporters, but Bernie himself seems to be stoking this fantasy and this discontent, and it’s causing real bitterness. For one thing, he cannot win now and this has nothing whatsoever to do with superdelegates. He can't win

BTW, I do want to disagree (in principle) with this statement:

But I don’t think they are immune to being questioned by it. When Dylan wrote her letter, it made a big stir. From what I can tell, Mia became very quiet about talking to the press afterwards (probably a classy move and maybe best for the kids) and nothing else was said about it. I don’t see where this cover up idea

I am not arguing about whether or not it happened. I’m arguing about whether or not it is reasonable for people to continue to work with Allen and whether or not there has been a concerted effort among the media and actors to cover up the abuse. Finding evidence to indict (if that happened) is not the same as finding

I don’t know the details of that investigation, and I probably used a legal term that was conclusive when what I meant was that he was NOT tried or found guilty as the result of an investigation. Again, I’m not trying to defend Allen or say that he didn’t do it (I have no idea). I’m defending the fact that it’s

I'd have no problem with people discussing and investigating these issues (though, to be fair, they did a hell of a lot of this in the 90s already). But this is NOT what these men were doing.

Yes, that's exactly what it means. There is a myth that a man will not stray if his woman keeps him satisfied OR if she is so tough that she keeps him in line. It's a way to blame the woman for everything. Either she's frigid in bed or she's a pushover, in any case, how could she expect basic respect from her husband?

If that's the case, they have both been lying about it for decades. I don't think she has the responsibility to tell all about her personal life- she could just decline to answer. But she's spoken in depth about his infidelities and how he betrayed her, so there are only two options: 1) they are monogamous and he

I don't care at all about Trump's messed up personal life. Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton also have messed up personal lives. I don't care about any of it. What I care about is what they do and say as public figures and where they legally stand on women's issues.

Hey, I think that's a legit conversation to have about a former president and a potential future president- whether or not they played a role in either assault or covering up assault. But it's worth noting that this is NOT the conversation these men were having.

In the middle of the Bush era, I was feeling that way too. I read a Chomsky interview where the guy wouldn’t stop asking him about it. Chomsky was trying to talk big picture, as usual, about neoimperialism and industry and war, etc. and he said something like “I don’t care what’s inside George Bush’s heart- that’s

Agree, also. I would love it if my dad picked up a retirement hobby that brought him joy and allowed him to keep busy and keep learning. But W is not my father, and I have no problem with snarking at him. But yes, Jenna shouldn’t be judged for seeing him as dad.

This is a really simplistic point of view. I am not a president nor am I making decisions that affect the lives of billions of people. He lives in a time and place, as do we all, so there is nothing at all wrong with him (or us) being involved in the economy as it is. But he should not be letting industry lobby his

Your dog looks just like my dog! But you and I look nothing alike.

He’s a terrible painter. Nice that he has a retirement hobby. Too bad he doesn’t do some soul-searching instead. There aren’t enough self-portraits in the shower to wash away the wars. Asshole.

I’m not trying to argue and I don’t think I made claims about what you said. I was just clarifying my own statement in the light of your comments. You asked what would seem fair to me and how many women it would take to add up to one Woody Allen. I’m answering that as far as I know, there aren’t a lot of accusations,