
Well a few points here. I have no knowledge of any long history of creepy behavior. What other women have ever made any accusations? Yes, I think his portrayal of woman in his films is frequently misogynistic, and yes he tends to cast only beautiful young actresses. This could be said about the vast majority of films

Yeah, I’m around that a lot. All the people I know who are indignant about how the government uses the taxpayers’ money don’t actually pay much in taxes. I mean, they pay and get it back every April Merry Taxmas, because they make so little or else have enough dependents that they receive their money all back. Which I

That lifestyle will wear you down.

Burk wrote:

I’ll explain it. Let me say that I’m not saying I believe this. This is not my opinion- I have no earthly idea if Allen is a predator or not. I’m just saying that I can see the point of view that Mia has filled her kids’ heads with allegations and they have come to believe them (which happens in messy divorces rather

I just don’t agree with the Cosby comparison. Dylan and Ronan are both children who were involved in a very messy and emotional divorce with a lot of mud-slinging, and I can see how it is possible that they have parroted and come to believe things they’ve been told. I’m not saying this is the case- just that no one

Hey, I'm not saying I wouldn't. I mean, if you have broad shoulders, nice arms and a tight ass, I'd be very easy to convince.

Nah, I realized dancing wasn't for me when I was a teenager. But it still happens, every once and a while, that I'm in a situation where I have to do it- like a wedding or a friend's birthday. Even still, I can usually get away with just having to do the big end group dance.

No issues here about anything.

I've never heard anyone say this about newborns, either. Older babies, certainly.

Both things teach the baby to react and respond to other people.

Yes exactly. Also, I think there might be some confusion here about "newborns". I mean, does anyone really think their one week old baby mimics? I doubt it's a truism. But older infants, certainly they will. Maybe not on camera with a stranger though.

No one thinks that. It's another case of "let's create a problem and then solve it" research.

Some babies love to be swaddled. I think much better advice is to pay attention to your baby and learn to recognize his/her distress and contentment rather than take advice from people who are not in your home with you and your family. Also, if you remember it, you were probably being swaddled well beyond the age that

So... Am I way off in responding that a limited number of interactions between infants and researchers who are not their parents over a relatively short period of time may not have the same results as the natural and long term and spontaneous interactions between infants and their parents?

“Try it sometime”. Do you really think people who hate dancing have never tried it? I don’t know why there is such social pressure to do a thing that you hate doing. I love music. I feel absolutely no compulsion to move my body to it. Why does this bother people so much? And then if you do dance, people are still

Yes me too. It took me a girls’ nights to learn this though. But by the time I was like 19, I realized that I never again wanted to go on girls night to dance. Though sometimes you do have to do it. My best friend’s birthday is one example. I’m not going to boycott her birthday. People's weddings is the other. I bet

I hate it. I don’t even understand the urge to move my body to music. Oddly, I love music. But I have never felt even the slightest compulsion to move my body to it, other than to tap my feet. When people insist that I do it anyway, it just feels like a completely awkward and unnatural action that I’m deliberately and

And THIS is one reason why loads of people just don't dance. You have the feeling that other people are watching you and judging you. Your friends tell you, "nah, no one cares, just be confident and have fun." And then later someone is online talking about watching your stupid moves.

Me too. But I like to watch other people do it, when they are good at it. When they are bad at it, I feel like it's my fault.