
Just wondering what you brought it up for then. Open carry is also legal in NC. It's legal in almost every state. So saying Texas is open carry is sort of irrelevant to anything.

Yuck. His description of how he's made her life better starts out with helping a child and ends with her giving him pleasure. The blend from daddy role to husband role is just gross.

Yes other people’s small-mindedness is harmful when directed at you. Sorry that’s happening to you! Screw them! In my friend’s case, what I’ve done is taken the approach that it’s none of their business rather than participating in the speculation. Here’s the thing- if a couple is raising a child, it’s their child.

I don’t know who he is, but that elder gal does smile like him.

Yes, exactly. This is so obvious. Especially with a black looking biracial president in the White House. You'd think people would be used to this idea by now since they've been seeing it nearly every day for eight years.

Yeah I have a white friend who has a Hispanic wife, and their first child is an obvious mix of them. The second looks entirely like her- dark skinned and obviously Hispanic. No one believes he is the father. People said really catty things when the baby as born. It really bothered me.

You don't know that for sure (unless you do somehow?). Sometimes mixed kids look like one race and not the other. And the black father in that family could be mixed himself, causing the kids to look a lot more white. I mean, look at Obama. If you didn't know he had a white mom, would you have guessed it? If he'd

Well first off, if it is depicting an average family, then stepchildren are common. But second, sometimes biracial kids very much favor one race over the other.

Yup- you are always the other.

I hate that saying. We aren't agreeing to disagree. Neither of us has any control over the other person's opinions so it's silly to say we agree to disagree as if it is something we could otherwise disallow. We simply disagree on some things and agree on others, that's all. It's not an agreement, in fact. It's a

It's been fun talking to you but I have to get on dinner now, and this is getting a little tedious. If you simply make the choice to try to understand someone else's point of view you can do it. You are clinging to a worldview and it's a little old. I've already said that I get what you are saying about media hyping

I didn’t say women were forced to account for men’s feelings. That’s not what I said at all. I’m saying that men view conversations and encounters with women through their perspective as men, which often has an undertone of being entitled to the woman’s attention. This woman was not talking to men or having an

Absolutely. They also (usually) have no personal experience whatsoever with terrorists or terrorism. So I don't get what your analogy is trying to do. If the same person lived in Mosul, I'd answer differently.

Emotions are not rational, one. You say this, then conclude that women should be more rational. Two- the fear of being kidnapped is much greater than getting in a car wreck, despite the fact that the later is more common. This is how humans think about risk. Three- you keep talking about the unlikeliness of extreme

Of course we are. That's what I meant by talking past each other. But you are admitting exactly what I'm talking about. It comes down to being about how a woman's actions affect a man's feelings EVERY TIME. It's just particularly ironic since this was a post in which a woman is talking about how men's actions

I’m a woman, and breastpumps and nursing in general freak me out, especially when the nipples get long and swollen. Serious heebie jeebies. It makes me triple check my birth control and makes me want to wrap a blanket around my breasts. It’s the same feeling you might get if you watched someone stick a needle in their

But I'm saying it's not necessarily irrational for a woman to worry about being snatched in a parking lot since A) women get snatched in parking lots and B) the woman has probably had an experience in her life in which she was harassed by someone in public.

I keep feeling like we are talking past each other, and I can’t tell if it is because of your worldview or if you just aren’t reading or what. Domestic violence is only one aspect of violence against women. We could go through them all one by one, every violence against women, and you can talk about how all of them

I’m aware of what happened in this thread, I don’t know why you are reviewing it. I meant the original post that you and I are discussing. It seems you are being really nit-picky here.

Also you STILL don’t get the point. She is talking about her emotional response to emotional situations in her own life. She is not

Being killed is rare. Being harassed when you go out and being harassed on a date is extremely common. Even in a place where it is rare, it’s absolutely terrifying when it happens and it makes an impression. I go out in my town at night alone all the time. I’ve been here for five years. In all that time, I’ve only