
There is definitely a media bias towards young and photogenic women, especially if she has small kids and is lighter skinned. I think your edit might include some corrections- targeted killings of women because they are women include domestic violence but also murder outside the context of a relationship. But murder

Dude, I have no earthly idea what an MGTOW is, and I googled it and see it is some acronym that has something to do with a male response to feminism and I just really don’t care. My point is that the OP is talking about how constant exposure to male violence in her own life has made her decide to avoid men. It has

HOLY SHIT. But that's what I mean. Imagine this scum had slit the throat of a refugee or of a transgendered person. The hate crime would be blasted everywhere, Bruce Springsteen would boycott the town, etc. But since it's a a domestic abuse case, it's just like, yeah it happens.

Yes, and it’s enforced by a system that continues to control women outside the home- shutting down abortion clinics, sending women to prison who fight their domestic abusers or in the Florida case simply shoot at the ceiling to scare off domestic abusers, and having backwards laws about oral sex not being rape or that

Ha ha! Alright, I can see that her stance is a bit extreme, but I think it hilariously proves her point for someone to respond by talking about how her avoidance of men due to fear for her own safety affects the men. OMG.

Much better. He's brilliant.

It's a hilarious gag when done with someone who actually has talent, a good forum, and a legitimate reason to call attention to himself.

Jon Stewart did it last December.

I'm pretty sure Jon Stewart started this with his hilarious interruption of Colbert's monologue. He did a full on Trump impersonation, and he did it to draw attention to the 911 Health and Compensation Act, making it all the more worthy.

Nearly every state is an open carry state. Seriously, Texas was like 45th to become an open carry state.

I’ve already seen a call for this. The argument goes this way: Men say they are protecting women and girls by not allowing transwomen in our bathrooms. Then, if you argue that you do not mind sharing the bathroom with transwomen, they men respond that in that case, we should just have totally gender free bathrooms for

I get your point, but one thing that this bathroom bruha has me outraged about is the LACK of response to backwards laws/bills that affect women. Why isn’t Bruce Springsteen boycotting concerts in Oklahoma for their crazy abortion doctor bill? Why isn’t Target pulling out of Mississppi, Missouri, etc and all the other

Yes I have experienced that same level of silliness in Europe, when Americans have referred to black Europeans as African Americans. Likewise in Belize (where there are people who are white, black and Hispanic) when they refer to the Hispanic population as Mexican, which is hilarious. But in these cases, it is just

Do you mind us asking how old you are? This probably does have something to do with context- neighborhood and class and all that. But in the 90s, it was absolutely necessary to use African American in every single professional, academic and polite society situation that I was ever in. I'm sure other people have some

It's not really their fault though. It's hard to switch between terms. Also it depends on your age. When I entered professional life, you absolutely had to use the term African American at work, regardless of what people said outside of work. It's what was required for polite and professional conversation. So now at

Is this still true in London though? Obviously there is still racism (that's not what I mean), but the overt hostility seems to have subsided a bit over the last couple of decades. I feel that London is a very tolerant place now and have experienced no overt racism like that. Of course, things are very different when

There's no reason to be rude. This post is making a different point than your first appeared to be making. A simple clarification of the nuance you are expressing would've been better. This is exactly true.

Really? I think it might just be that the percentages of diverse groups has historically been lower. Now that it is rising, there are certainly major problems with race, including segregation and outright hostility. Though the UK does appear to be handling it better than the US or mainland Europe. I don't know if you

I think everything in that room is there to distract from the painting. They keep refilling Obama's glass with more of that gin and then called the dog up to dance on the furniture in front of him, hoping he'll be too drunk and amused to notice it. They even called in Harry to entertain, but he just hit the booze and

But gossip is so fun. Don't be all reasonable and spoil it.