
That doesn't make sense though. Capote wrote several books, screenplays/plays and articles, many of which were quite successful. Breakfast at Tiffanys, Other Voices Other Rooms. He was prolific. The speculation only makes sense because Harper Lee was a one-hit-wonder. I think it's an absurd idea that she didn't really

Wow, I had no idea! Thanks.

I doubt co-author. Research partner, more like it. Probably first-reader and editor too. But I doubt very seriously she spent her time writing Capote’s book. For one thing, it’s not like he needed the help. For another, she was busy already with her own little book :).

I can’t remember what it was (sorry), but I read

A few years back- during the 12 election- I was working in a café. The guy who washes dishes there was an early 20s white dude, working class, no car. We live in a rural area. He had no ID. He’d had no reason to ever get one. He didn’t drive, he had a social security card and was born in the US so had right to work,

Whoa. Now that is meticulous.

First off, I don't have a dog in the "how to dry hands" fight. So I have no idea if the paper towels themselves are more damaging to the environment than hand drying once you consider all those variables. But if it is a wash (as the commenters in this thread have said it is) or if using paper towels is indeed a little

Most environmental problems like this have a third solution. The problem is that we get stuck in this either-or way of thinking. Should we use hand driers or paper towels? And then we list the pros and cons. Usually, if we ask instead where the actual problem is and figure out a way to improve it, that's a neater

:Yes, but it's arguments like this that I think are problematic. Plastic for sure is a horror to the environment. But then why isn't the solution focused on finding other ways to bundle up our trash rather than on changing the trash itself - in this case.

Meh. I read that study and it freaked me out and I remembered to close my toilet lid for like a week. I never managed to convince anyone else in my home to do the same, though. In the end, I realized that every single person I know has been brushing their teeth in the same room where they flush the toilet for

I don’t know how damaging paper towels are to the environment in the first place. Or if there are better ways to produce paper towels. A lot of times, things that are “good for” the environment actually have little impact and things that are "bad for" the environment can be improved rather than eliminated. I have no

In my case, it's simply a matter of attention span and/or time. It usually takes two punches to the hand drier to totally dry my hands after washing- sometimes three. When I was teaching and had literally maybe one minute to pee, I didn't have the time to do that. But even now that I'm not, I don't have the attention

My opinion is that it's a symptom of wealth disparity- the shrinking middle class and everything that goes along with that. Wealthier women might raise hell (some do! some are!) but when it comes down to it, they can drive to whichever state and/or Canada they need to go to. Poor women might raise hell (some do! some

Yes, and the first evangelical they selected was Jimmy Carter. This politicized right wing evangelical base that wishes to destroy church and state started in the mid 90s- it grew alongside cable TV. There was a moral majority and all that stuff in the 80s as well, and that’s when the Evangelical base shifted over

Yet again, I realize that I’m totally clueless when it comes to clothes. I see nothing at all wrong with his pants, and even after reading the article and the comments, I still think he looks fine. I'm shocked that anyone even notices these things. It's like the time my best friend told me that people notice other

I think your view of history is not very accurate. The Evangelical Base in the US has always existed and bubbles up sometimes, but they did not start to be politicized in a wide way until the 90s. So if it seemed, to you, that the 90s and early 00s were a time of keeping them under control, that is because you were

I think the problem is beginning a story that has a clear arc. Then a couple of books in, realizing that if you repeatedly refuse to wrap up that arc and instead create new ones, you can- for a time- linger in the popularity and make the story last much much longer than it naturally should have. Long term, the story

What I like about that video is that he takes Clapton’s part just to show he can do that sort of thing. The fact that this isn’t what he normally does is what makes it so impressive. He’s like, ‘yea I could play classic rock with songs that climax in soaring guitar solos, but instead I choose to revolutionize pop

I dunno. I don’t get that. She’s vapid and rich and famous for no reason. An appropriate response would be to stop paying attention to her. Enjoying seeing her treated like dirt just reveals some sort of envy IMO- when you want people to get a comeuppance for having things you think they don't deserve. She didn't ask

I don't get why that is cool, though. He brought her up on stage. It's not like she wanted to get up there herself. Then he kicks her off when she doesn't perform spontaneously. As a shy person who can't dance, it's one of my greatest fears for this to happen to me in public.

Yeah you are probably right about that. I guess maybe it's the tone of the article that bothers me here. Like, why not discuss why this kid would choose to stream it in the first place. Consider what she actually said, consider what we know about teens, consider what we know about tech, etc. There are a lot of really