
They are terrified of losing face. Some teens feel this so deeply that they will get themselves shot, refuse to back down from a fight, refuse to back down from police, escalate a situation, put themselves in extreme danger, join together with other teens to do terrible things that they’d never do alone, etc. This is

Unless the rapist (a grown man, btw, so probably much bigger- obviously big enough to hold down a teen and rape her) is opposed to hearing the girl call the police. What do you think? The dude would just keep raping the one girl and ignore the one who is on the phone with the police?

Unless A) rapist who sees you filming takes your phone and deletes the video, or B) scared teen is streaming so that someone watching it live will know what is happening and call the police (which also happens to be what happened).

What does the length of the video have to do with anything relevant to the argument the poster made? Do you think that fear of intervention or the response of the perp has a time limit? I assume the video would go on until either the rapist finished, the police arrived or the tech self-limited. As for your “laughing”

That’s all true. And we don’t know anything about the man- what sort of relationship did he have with either girl, etc. Was she intimated by him? Did she have reason to fear him? Was he someone who had some control over her? And it's worth noting also that her filming DID in fact result in a police response and an

I am not defending this teenager for streaming the assault rather than calling the police. But I think it's telling that even here on Jez everyone is focusing on the actions of the teen rather than on the 29 year old man who raped the other teen in front of her. Giggling is something people do when they are scared and

No. I was making the argument for this one writer. What you are saying makes no sense because there were PLENTY of women writers doing great literary journalism in the 40s, 50s, 60s- there is no possible way he doesn't know this. If this were a different field, one in which many women really didn't play a big role at


ha ha! I didn’t know that story, but yes I want it to be true. A giant ad of that dude in underwear would distract anyone with warm blood from paying attention to the headlights in front of them! Guys who can dish about hot guys are way hotter IMO than guys who dish about football (ho hum) or cigars (yuck). But I'm

I have not said that there is anything wrong with people not having sex. In fact, I gave examples of people who simply are not interested and have rich lives. In the three cases I mentioned of virgins who did have issues with being virgins, it’s unfair of you to blame that on me or say that I’m insisting that there is

Wow. I didn't know that. I remember Streep (I think it was her) saying that the best way to have better female characters is to simply take your screenplay and keep it exactly as it is except change the male character to a female one. I think this is a simplification but I get the point she's making. I think having

That's essentially what we said. You're right of course.

ETA: If the fact that some of them (though not all) have also published novels is what is bothering your about that list, then you have to apply the same standard back to the men we are talking about. I don't know if Talese has published novels, but certainly Mailer, Thompson, Capote, etc all have.

Yes this makes sense. I was thinking about something similar recently about male writers who can't write female characters very well vs female writers who can't write male characters very well. Perhaps I wouldn't notice the deficiency as well when female writers do it poorly (because I'm not a man) but I always notice

This is a good analogy.

Nah, in his case, he really only listens to popular music of the last 50 years or so. Which is fine- there are plenty of women to choose from there. I really think it’s about not being able to relate to anything that is not from a male pov. Thanks for the recommendation though. I’ve started to really love violin

Writing and speaking are totally different though- plenty of writers come across as dense when they are talking off the cuff. Not that I'm trying to excuse him here, but he was talking about people who do literary journalism.

I've never heard of her, but just googled her. Thanks!

Actually he is her ex. But not for reasons that have anything to do with his inexplicably bizarre taste in music.

That's not true. Several of them in fact are most known for journalism. But all of them have published literary journalism- articles in mainstream publications, several of which Talese also published in. It's like people aren't even willing to look at a wiki page or something.