
Had no idea until just this moment that D C Fontana was a woman.

Well first off, I think it’s a BIG stretch to include Talese with Capote, Mailer, etc. But second, in this thread alone, we’ve got Didion, Susan Sontag, Frances FitzGerald, Nora Ephron and Mary McCarthy who are all better known and are more influential than Talese. Third, though- and this is the important point that

Yeah I have a friend whose boyfriend says there are no good female musicians. None.

Oh I didn’t know that about Nora Ephron. Wow. FitzGerald, yes. Forgot about her. Jane Mayer is a much younger writer.

I’m not in that field, but I can’t name many woman journalist of his generation. I can name plenty of female writers of his generation, but not journalists. Mary McCarthy, Susan Sontag and Joan Didion. That’s all I’ve got. I’m sure if I were in that field I’d do better though.

I've only ever seen pics of him riding bikes, and also it's hard to get wet and cold inside a car so the bike is necessary. Whether or not he can afford it or it's for ideological reasons- hush honey, get out of those wet clothes and come sit down by me.

Oh yea, the beard is hot. And I love that his chest isn’t perfectly shaved all the time. Those eyes, egads! But that look- the shaved underneath but long hair on top look- makes me think of skinny stoner teenage punk wanna-bes in high school. Actually, one of my high school boyfriends. It’s not a good hair cut. I

Fimmel's gorgeous, for sure, and those eyes, my god! But I hate his stupid Ragnar hair though. He's like Jason Momoa- beautiful dirty sexy slaying beast, but such stupid eyebrows on GoT.

Brad Pitt is hot, don’t get me wrong. But seems like if you went out with him, he’d spend a while making sure his necklace matched his socks, know what I mean? Whereas Idris Elba - it seems like he’d just TAKE you. Like I’d just MELT and be done with. Those arms, my god, I just can’t... it’s like he’d kill you in bed,

And the smiles... I mean, I can barely take it.

Pinnacle of male beauty, though? I’d say that’s a tie between these two beasts.

But I like them a little dirty.

Young Brad Pitt is hot, hot, hot, no doubt. But a bit too sculpted for my tastes. I mean, I feel silly criticizing something so gorgeous as that, but pinnacle of male beauty? Hmmm... Though I want to play the game, so...

These days, I’m loving me some George Lamb. Those crazy silver highlights...

I know. At his worst, Waltz seems like an attractive interesting person who is a bit on the goofy side. Which I like, so OK. That voice does a lot for him. But then when he fixes his gaze and gets serious, he ranges from I'm-weak-in-the-knees-under-your-control to I-could-eat-you-with-a-spoon. All of that, to me, is

I’m pretty sure it’s the eye contact, the voice, and the charisma. Somehow he does it for me. But check him out young. How pretty.

They are sexy in different ways. I want Waltz to invite me out for dinner/movie date and then spend the whole meal explaining interesting things to me while he refills my wine glass. Then suddenly get quiet and just stare at me from across the table until I’m really uncomfortable. Followed by an quiet and direct

That's OK. He doesn't need to talk. He just needs his bike to have a flat tire out in front of my house. During a rain storm. When it's cold. So I can open the door and invite him in. Hush, honey. We'll fix the bike later. Just come inside, get out of those wet clothes, sit down here next to me and get warm. Shhhhh...

oh my...


Yeah, but if he just lifts that shirt a little higher, it would be perfect. Then we'd get the chest and shoulders too without the face, ha ha!

This person does not sound perverse to me at all. He sounds like he has been exploited in a terrible situation that he'd rather have nothing to do with and that he is emotionally affected by it as well.