
People grieve in all different ways. It was common in the US to take photos of dead people in the past. It's still common in other cultures. This is different, but many people do find comfort in feeling that their deceased loved ones are still with them in spirit or as angels, etc. The sick thing about this story is

I think of that every time I’m too lazy to get up and get myself another beer. But then I consider the years of tedium and thousands of dollars that I’d have to invest in getting them to the point that they can walk, open the fridge, get the beer, bring it to me, etc- I mean, it’s like five years before this is a


I find her really gross in the same way I found Justin Bieber really gross until very recently. You know how there’s the uncanny valley? I wonder if we could come up with a similar graph where looking simultaneously like a pubescent child and a sexual object induces creepy horror. Like, at what point does it tip in

He tweeted that Trump hadn’t thought through his statement and then he followed up with how we need to protect and respect women. You can read more about Cruz and abortion here:

Yup, exactly. I was as offended by Cruz's response as I was by Trumps statement - as is usually the case. Cruz simple has better manners. The things he says are just as frightening. And all that "we" and "them" in Cruz's statement were horrifying- clearly "we" are all men and "they" are all women that "we" need to

Bring it on. Whiskey shot in my coffee already. But to be fair, I woke up drunk.

Also, imagine the manslaughter argument here. If abortion is murder, then surely drinking while pregnant is child abuse. Let’s say a pregnant woman goes ice skating, falls and suffers a miscarriage. Surely that’s reckless- manslaughter? Or what about if she is responsible for a car wreck that results in miscarriage?

It’s the same sort of logical consistency that always annoys me with the “except in cases of rape or incest” crowd. I mean, if you really believe that abortion is murdering babies, then what difference does it make if they were created through consensual sex? If you think abortion is murder- well murdering people

I eat pizza with a fork too. Teeth sensitivity is a real thing.

He/she has made some really good posts also. It’s tiresome to write long things all the time, and anyway this is the Internet where really it’s just a place to let off steam. I mean, for all my bombast, this isn’t how you affect change. But I’m dealing with a long-term injury right plus some depression plus working

I don't know that I agree with that. It is true that many people who remain virgins well into their 20s (or later) have a lot of anxiety about it. If this isn't true (statistically, let's say, or even in your own anecdotal experience) then it makes a lot of sense to have a conversation saying, "no- that's not true!

Yes, I agree with all that, but I think the larger goal should get people to stop only being involved in politics during election years. The right is much better at playing long-term, grassroots politics, which is why they are having these populist and nationalistic angry people out supporting Trump and all the

Yes I can see that argument. I mean more for people who are in solidly red states (like me). I voted for Nader in 2000 in a solidly red state because a vote for Gore would have made no difference. But I voted democrat for everything else- congress and local elections- because there is enough of a democratic base

I’ve read some of your longer posts, so I know that you are a reasonable and thoughtful person. So even if we disagree on things (which is normal and fine), I don’t know why you keep writing flippant things like this. It’s passive aggressive and makes you appear much less thoughtful than I’ve seen you are in other

This sort of response is intolerant and foolish, especially when you are talking to progressives who, if Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, would prefer to vote for Stein who is also a woman. But aside from that, I’m a feminist and a woman myself, and it’s dismissive of you to assume that misogyny plays a role in why

If the election were a republican Ted Cruz vs a democratic Trump then we’d have a choice in which neither candidate protected civil liberties- both are antichoice, anti-immigration, anti-gay, climate change deniers who want to carpet bomb countries and eliminate entire departments of the federal government. So

Whether or not the Nader percentage in Florida was enough to swing the vote in either way (and I don't remember that it was) yes there should have been a recount regardless because of what happened in Palm Beach Co, etc. But that's irrelevant since we aren't talking about hypotheticals but rather about what really

I’m not naïve enough to not know that. What is my alternative? That was my whole point of saying it is survival voting. Survival means you take the only choice that keeps you alive, not that you take the one that makes you flourish. I think what troubles me with the pro-Bernie crowd that says they would never vote for