
I assume that a Clinton admin would be similar in this regard to an Obama admin. We’ve moved to the point that most industry now supports moderate climate change agreements, mostly because the technology has moved to the point that things are often more efficient that way. It’s like anything else, you might think that

Yes. She's actually among the worst candidates they could've selected. The only thing she has going for her is that she's not a Republican. Which is enough to secure my vote, but I'm certainly going to have to take a few tequila shots beforehand.

It's worth reminding people that Nader did not step in, stop a recount, and appoint Bush.

This is what I keep telling myself over and over again as I nervously look at my bank account balance and think about the cost of flats in Rome, where I have a job offer.

It's not sour grapes to have legitimate opposition to Hilary. I think she's terrible. It is sour grapes to refuse to vote for her in the general if you are in a swing state. There is no legitimate reason to vote for Trump or Cruz over Hilary no matter how much you legitimately dislike her.

Also in the primaries. People who take sides in primary politics are usually more motivated than general voters. I think there are a lot of democrats who will just vote their party regardless of which wins, and they may not have voted in the primary at all.

I think if the general were held just a couple weeks after the primary, then sour grapes might cause a lot of folks to throw a short-sighted temper tantrum. Luckily, people have months of considering Hilary vs Trump (or Cruz, who's just as bad)- and I really think that even the most disenchanted Bernie supporters will

Nonsense. If the election turns out that she is WELL ahead and there really is no chance he will win, then OK I can see it. Or if you are not in a swing state. But do not underestimate your movement’s ability to turn an election based on a small number of votes. How many times do we need to learn that lesson? If you

Another Bernie supporter here. She's a HORRIBLE candidate for all sorts of reasons, and I don't happen to be a Socialist. But this is survival politics, and I will vote for her in November. Just like any woman, gay person, immigrant, human who wants to continue to live on a warming planet, etc, should do.

I totally agree with all of that. I think the attitude about sexuality that you are describing here is a symptom of a larger problem- the sinister cultural shift and consumerism that you mention- rather than a problem in and of itself. And like other problems of this nature (including issues around family, parenting,

Yeah, I agree with all that, especially since I know plenty of men for whom casual sex (hookups) isn’t something they are interested in. Nonetheless, I think the problem FOR MOST PEOPLE (like you say, there are outliers) lies in trying to define yourself as a person that is into this or that thing. Like “I’m into

I’ve never read any posts here that shame people for not having sex. I’ve read plenty that shame people’s REASONS for not having sex. See what I mean? If you don’t have sex because you don’t want to, then go you. But if you are denying yourself something that you want to do because of some sort of guilt or religious

Or some other considerations... Parents started to be more micro-managing. Teens in the 80s and early 90s spent a lot of time alone and with other teens- there weren't cell phones to keep tabs for example, and the ID laws weren't as strict, and there seemed to be a lot more adult-free time. Also, class and the

I think I’m older than you. I finished college in 97, so I was too old for Spice Girls and way too old to be in Girl Scouts when Friends was on. Also, I grew up in a city with a punk scene in the early 90s, so there’s all those differences. Really, I think the country became MORE conservative in the late 90s and

Dating, in my experience, is something you do when you are older and no longer in social circles where you naturally meet people.

Yes and I think it would be interesting to see a chart that compares the prior ten year period to those as well.

I agree with your historical perspective (when the drugs came about) but I disagree with the rest. It depended on how old you were and where you lived. If you'd watched people die in the late 80s and early 90s, or if you had parents who did, then you felt very differently. Fear of AIDS was still a very real, very

I’m so sorry about your dad. And yes, I feel the same way about my marriage. I’d like us to open up, but when I think about the logistics and stress involved (and you aren’t protected from HPV and Herpes with condoms), I just keep coming back to being grateful for what I've got. I do think, though, that one day we

Ha ha. That's right. Hilarious. Before we have sex, we must fly to meet my parents. You must sleep on the couch the whole time we are there. Then we can fly home and have sex. lol

Hmmm... It’s like we live in different universes. Granted, I haven’t seen Friends in a long time, but I don’t remember any slut-shaming. I remember sex being the punch-line to lots of jokes, but I don’t think that’s changed. I don’t think it’s nearly so bad as, say, Big Bang Theory which is overtly sex-shaming. As for