
(millions, sorry)

It’s tricky though. I think about this a lot lately. The Republicans literally force you into having to make a survival choice, and the Democrats know it. They don’t have to actually stand for anything other than simply keeping the door open to civil rights progress. So long as there is a party threatening

Do you mean populism v corporatism in each of the primaries? Because in the general, that's an interesting way of looking at it if we end up with Trump vs Hilary and people see it as populism vs corporatism.

Yes I think so too. Especially since she is the most likely next president. Though I don't know if Republicans can see that, and even if they can, I don't know that it matters. They are so wrapped up in making decisions based on their own immediate political opinions that they can't see towards the future.

Continuing here... I can’t stop thinking about this! I wonder how much of it has to do with age. I don’t mean to assume that I’m older than you, but it did happen that Obama had the support of a lot of young people who didn’t seem to realize that he was quite moderate. A lot of older people supported him too, so I’m

I see what you are saying. He should have worded it in that more nuanced way as you did. He could have pointed out the ridiculousness of their opposition and the threat of a more radical nominee without suggesting that he'd be willing to profit from their unconstitutional stone-walling. Yes, I agree with you, though I

Somewhat off topic, but really you did not think of Obama as a centrist? Well "centrist" is a strong word in today's climate since we've moved so far to the right. Obama has always been a just left of center establishment politician. Always. What did he promise in 2008 that made you think he was more progressive? I

I think it’s both politically savvy (for the reason you named) and his actual position. What I mean is, I think this is how he really feels, but his decision to say it on TV is in order to help Obama get his candidate passed by pointing out to the Republicans what a compromise Obama has offered them as opposed to

Yes exactly. If she were not so terrified of alienating that elusive "moderate fence riding" base, she would say this.

Would it even take a formal withdrawal though? I mean, if the Republicans refuse to hold hearings at all upon the insistence that the nomination should be made by the new president, then when it comes to pass that we have a new president, would that new president be required to have the former one withdraw the

Um, hold up. He’s saying that Obama has every right to appoint the person, that Congress should do its job and hold hearings, and that he supports Obama in this. He also says that if he were to win and there was still no confirmation (presumably because the Republicans refuse to hold hearings until after a new

I think he’s perfectly well aware of that. I think also, this supports Obama. The Republicans need to hear that if they don’t take this moderate, they could be later dealing with a more progressive appointee. Likewise, I think Bernie is being honest. I think he would prefer a more progressive appointee. But because of

Yeah, and this is exactly what Obama is banking on. I can't believe the Republicans are so blinded by their hate that they can't see what a bone they have been thrown. I mean, it's this guy, or (likely) an unknown that Hilary appoints, or (less likely) an unknown that Bernie, Cruz or Trump appoints. Seriously, those

Yes that makes sense. Like pet daycare, I suppose. I did not have a dog when we lived in the city so I never used any of these services. Around here, we pay neighborhood kids and/or stay-at-home parents - both of whom would like a little extra cash but generally are just doing it to be nice. But we have backyards, so

I’ve said several times now that if the dog was uncontrolled in an area that it is expected to be controlled and leashed (which seems to be the case, based on something another poster has said), then the dog walker is at fault. I don’t understand what argument you are trying to have with me. Because of our medical

I have a friend whose dog is like that. When I walk her dog, sometimes an off leash dog will come running up, and usually the owner says something like "don't worry- my dog loves other dogs" and I'm all like, "great, but mine DOESN'T!" Really it's nuts the way people let their kids / dogs approach a random strange

Thanks. It looks like he leaves his wallet on the counter too. Obviously he's not running off or wasting time trying to put things in their proper places.

Thanks. Have you seen Charlie Countryman? Thinking of watching it after dinner.

Well I didn’t know there was any such thing as a dog-walking business. I guess in Hollywood or with rich people- it never occurred to me but that makes sense if it’s a business. Like a pet day care, I suppose. In my own neighborhood, you sometimes watch other people’s pets and take them for walks. And there are people

Wow! Yeah, people don't always behave in the moment the way you'd expect on the outside- especially since from the outside you have the time to reflect on every aspect of the situation and you have all the info, so your brain is focusing on the event and not trying to sort the event out. I had a plumber over at the