
I know. It's something that takes me right out of whatever thing I was minding my own business and thinking about and places me immediately in the zone of intense violent rage. As if I should walk around smiling all the time. Am I a fucking mental ward inmate? Am I on this planet to provide you with pleasant

Exactly. It's absurd that someone would tell Trump to smile.

I get why people would like him if he were a cartoon character.

Yup. Same. Dislike her very much. I think the intense unrelenting hatred, though, is based in misogyny, and fuck those people. Still dislike her very much. I will vote for her because she is light years ahead of any of the Republican candidates. And yet, still dislike her very much. I’ve voted against her twice now in

I actually think it’s going to be worse and a lot harder to criticize. Thing is, Obama carried no baggage with him. He’s had no scandal. He’s been a little disappointing in some areas (executive power expansion, drone expansion) but those are all things Republicans support generally and anyway they are problems he

It was the same with Obama. I don't see him as black. I see him as clean and articulate. Wasn't it Biden of all people who said that even? And then there was Harry Reid talking about how Obama has light-skin and doesn't use a negro dialect. And those were the Democrats, you know, the ones that don't see color.

She's great (Stein) but if you are in a swing state, there really is no justifying what that vote does for actual women living actual lives. I think it sucks too, of course.

Yes, it’s a type of snobbishness for me to judge like that anyway. It’s probably why I don’t want to think too much about it. You can only think that way so much before any travel at all becomes absurd. Tourism is a spectator sport really. I mean, backpackers riding chicken buses with the locals- really they’re just

I understand all that, and I think the dangers are WAY overblown. It’s an erratic state (to say the least) so they could choose to do something really crazy with their current batch of tourists at any time. But it’s not happened like that before. Historically so far, if you stick with the tour guide and don’t do

I really don't understand what "normcore" means. I've had many kids try to explain it to me. I think I'm too old. As for Kasich, ugggh. Did you see Sam Bee's takedown of his "moderate folksy" persona? He's not a blustering egotist like Trump nor a frightening anti-government religious fundamentalist like Cruz. But

Well aside from research or some state business, I totally agree with you in regards to S Korea. I think I said as much. I was saying Americans frequently have legitimate reasons to go to Iran- not N Korea. Iran is certainly a government that abuses human rights and all that, don't get me wrong, but it is a

I'm still trying to reason it out. Maybe what he's saying is that he doesn't want to force the women to undergo the rape kit process if the police arrive to a call that was originally called a rape and they get there and the woman is like, "no- this is a misunderstanding." ? And he's worried about this law forcing the

In his clarified statement, I’m willing to give that something might be called something in a dispatch which isn’t what it really is. Like a parent freaking out and calling the cops on a teen’s activities with another teen. Also, there are people who in the middle of really toxic relationship fights call the police

We won't know the true story until it's all over (if they release him) but most likely he did something stupid and then the government used the stunt to make up all this stuff. He is probably forced to say this. The people there are regularly fed lies about Western conspiracy theories and actually believe that there

To go to North Korea, you have to pay a ton of money and then stay side by side with a tour guide who takes you around on a pre-planned sight-seeing trip. I agree it’s an absurd thing to do, but if you are rich and curious, it’s perfectly safe so long as you behave yourself. The ethics of giving that money to the

This story just got weirder and weirder. So, either he's foolish or he's nuts. Right?

I don't understand why "mouth breather" is always used in this way. What is it that is so offensive or insulting about people with sinus problems? Would you prefer we all just suffocate?

Frankly I am too in terms of legalization and the fact that I don't think there is anything wrong with casual use, etc. I should have added a qualifier.

Yes, but the reasons he was getting movie bits and album-appearances in that era is because he was being hailed as a “wise old man”. And because he has a great voice. I remember his “words of advice for young people” for example. I just think he’s probably not the best spokesman regardless of the content of those

I was reading a blog recently about how when it comes down to it, he’ll probably drop out because he’s not going to release all his taxes and financial records or sign over trust of his business endeavors nor put his brand on hold. This might be optimistic, but it does make me wonder. Of course, Trump gets all the