
Yea, after Super Tuesday, I was looking at the results for my county and just astonished. Now I walk down the street and go to restaurants and shop at the grocery store, and all I think is "thousands of THESE people voted from Trump and Cruz." I mean, these seemingly nice well-behaved folks who I live near are

It's especially ironic when you consider WHY they were assaulting these people in the first place. They were non-violent protestors exercising their free speech rights, and they were removed from the rally and assaulted. So...

My fat roles are natural too. My dinner rolls though- I'm not so sure about that wheat.

BTW- sorry, I didn't realize that you were replying to the "African tribesman" comment in the previous post. That puts your words in perspective. I read it as a new post altogether for some reason, and so I was trying to counter that this is surely a regional difference, and also that it varies within region according

Well yea, that’s what I was trying to say. Ethiopians, Somalians, Kenyans are typically very lean.

The Buzz Aldrin comparison... wow. I mean, no one was celebrating Aldrin’s punch just because he was old. Is that what that guy thinks? Also, Aldrin did everything he could to get away from the man that was harassing him before he punched him. Unlike this dude who clearly sucker punches the guy.

Widespread obesity is. I didn’t say it has never existed ever before. Or if I did, I didn’t intend it to come out that way. I absolutely agree with not body-shaming, and also that people have been heavier than the BMI allows as healthy. But it’s just incorrect to say that widespread obesity like this has always been

Unbelievable! The gal in that pic certainly is not eating burgers. Also, it's gross- all that white soapy water all over her. How could that be appetizing?

I agree with all that. But some pro-pot people DO claim that there are no negative side effects or consequences and that it’s not addictive (I know it’s not PHYSICALLY). This is a pretty common narrative, and certainly not true for everyone. As for WSBurroughs, he is a brilliant writer and had an interesting life.

Yes? But that's what I said in the first place.

Gotcha. I was stating what my doctor told me. I’m 5'5" and he told me that for my age range and height, most women are around 145. Which is different than average (which has outliers that skew results). Of course, these women, being models, are probably much taller than that and would therefore weigh more than that,

That may be exactly true. I don’t know - but as I asked in my point- do we mean “average” in terms of adding everyone up and divided by the number of people (which would include outliers that skew the results) or do we mean what “most people” look like? I don’t know actually. It’s hard to tell because we all live in a

I brought up age originally, since people tend to gain weight as they get older and these models are all young women. So naturally, average weight for a 45 year old would be different. Not that any of this matters regarding the main point or the point of the ad or the obnoxious refusal to air the ad, but that's how

No, I'm 5'5" and in my late 30s, and my doc told me median weight for my age/height is 145. That's why I said that I THOUGHT this was the case, and also why I said that doesn't control for height and why I said average (if you take everyone and divide by the number) is different since it factors in outliers (including

Ah that makes sense.

If you ask a more detailed question, I will try to answer it. But I don't know what is confusing about my statement.

Surely this depends on where you go? I've never seen this in the north, except for among wealthier classes. When you look at people just walking about on the streets, they all seem pretty damn thin. In fact, I think they generally seem more thin than healthy American counterparts.

I agree that this dude is way out of line, but it’s also untrue that people were as heavy as they are now on such a large scale. Yes, some wealthy people. In the US, everyone is more wealthy than people were in the past. And yes, being skinny was never really a norm either. But widespread obesity really is a product

Look I agree that obesity is a relatively new thing in modern culture, but you’re way simplifying and using a blaming/holier-than-thou tone. This is why it’s nearly impossible to have a reasonable discussion about any of these issues. BUT THE LARGER POINT- all of that aside, there is nothing wrong with this add,

I airbrush every day before I step out in the morning. Don't you?