
Yes I did too. That is a HUGE part of what most women that age are actually doing with their bodies.

I wonder if they were freaking out because of the nursing baby. That happens sometimes- people are fine with sexy boobies but not at all ok with breastfeeding.

That's disgusting. And what's up with the Carl's Jr bag?

I agree the gals in the ad look great and there is nothing indecent about it. Also, I agree that many women will probably like to see fashion ads like this. But is this really the size of average women in the US? I guess I can see that’s possible if you add up all the possible weights of women and divide by the number

Yes. Not all stoners- there are people who I'd never have known otherwise. But most of my friends who smoke, absolutely I can tell when they are high. The outward lack of reflection, almost situational apathy, lack of depth of thought, etc. It's like, right away I realize we are in a different place- so I better open

Geesh, I get the frustration with stereotypes, but can we just acknowledge that weed DOES affect people differently? I get so sick of stoners going on like it is impossible for weed to have negative consequences for plenty of people. It absolutely DOES make me a whacked out nut job. I know for sure that it doesn’t do

Look, can we acknowledge the difference between raging drunks and drinkers?

Nonsense. Let's don't pretend that your only options are drunk or stoned to the point of negligence. If you have a drink or two and get a slight buzz, then play with your kids, nothing wrong with that. Same with a little weed.

YES EXACTLY. This is what I've been saying.

Yes, while that is true and I agree it makes things harder on everyone in the long run, it doesn't change the fact that this is what every parent is doing now. The kids rule the roost. So when everyone is doing something, it stands to reason that there is some reason, and even the people who say they will be different

Yeah, and then puberty.

YES- this. Then, add to that the risk of having a child with serious cognitive disorders or even one who gets into life-damaging shit in their teen years. To me, it simply wasn't worth it. I sometimes catch myself feeling immense relief- like I've dodged a bullet. Not to say that plenty of folks I know haven't had

Good for you. That's really an impressive achievement. I hope you genuinely take the time to reflect on how great that is. The simple looking things can get away from us sometimes.

Absolutely not. I would feel really sad if I learned that my parents were functioning at such a low cognitive level that they were genuinely satisfactorily interested in the same shit that interests a five year old.

Yes, and it's really great that you noticed that before you have kids. I think that if everyone had such a realistic view, they would go through less shock to their lifestyle and marriage/relationship once they actually have kids. And some people might choose not to do it at all.

Yup, THIS. But I wonder about the expecations we have of parents these days- that they constantly engage with their kids at their kids’ level. I don’t recall ANY adults doing this when I was little. Maybe on really special occasions. I’m not talking about neglect- we were well cared for and of course we were educated

Yes. This is a very important point. Seems like all the pro-pot people are so vocal these days, and they refuse to acknowledge that it isn’t a good thing for everyone. Like, they don’t talk about the fact that it affects people different and is addictive (though perhaps not in the way heroin is). I don’t think it

I have no problem with anyone doing whatever they need to do to get through the very difficult experience of adult life and parenting, etc- so long as it is motivated to benefit themselves and the people they care about without causing any harm. And this certainly falls into that category, so more power to you. Light

Yeah, I felt that way about the boys too. Like, most teens just do whatever is socially acceptable, and what was overwhelmingly socially acceptable at the time was to be a feminist- the dudes also. I was a teen in the early 90s too. The concert scene was fantastic. It was completely natural to me as a girl to be in

I like them, especially their live energy, but they were never one of my FAVES. One thing I really like about being young in the 90s is that there were so many kick ass women rockers- unapologetic feminists too. And a lot of the dudes also. It was a great time to come of age, especially if you lived in a place with