
Wow, I had no idea. I saw them a couple of times in the 90s. ETA: I just googled it, and she says it’s about Kiedis (the first part) and Matt Sharp from Weezer (the blondie of the second part). I bet the summer they spent together was when they toured together. Weezer is another where the guys seem sort of spoiled and

People aren't responding to your ideas, which, when expressed reasonably like this would make a nice conversation. They are responding to your tone, and I'm not here to school you on it if you can't see already why it provoked the response it did simply because I don't have the energy and you didn't ask for the

Ummm... Gosh, every one of my guts tells me not to take the bait. And I’m going to take it. Not sure why. Perhaps I should turn this response into a naval gazing piece. ;) I don’t care if you are a man or a woman. I don’t see why not knowing your gender would make me a moron. There is no need to use insults. Aside

Nah, Barack waits at the gate at Barton Springs until 9:00 so he can go swim the free hour with the people.

That’s a good point. It also explains why I’m so annoyed at Leo diCaprio lately. I mean, generally I agree with what he’s saying and in a detached way, I can see that he is using his fame for a good purpose by raising awareness. But there is just something so douchey about him thinking that the fact that because he is

Also, if you are still here and available to talk about it, can you tell us how midwives in those places handle emergencies? Obviously they are doing a much better job, so how are they handling the sorts of emergencies that usually require transport to a hospital or medical intervention (like necessary C-section) here

We’ve been talking a lot about that in other threads, though of course I don’t expect that you are trolling me and reading all other threads so no worries! My response is twofold. First off, I don’t see what the Netherlands has to do with the compared risk of homebirth in US to hospital birth in US. I’m certainly not

I'd love to see your research. Or if you give me something to google, I'll do it myself. But when I google about home birth safety, I've posted already what comes up. I'm not sure where else to look.

Yes I agree with all that, and the issues you bring up regarding medical care before the delivery are probably part of the reason why homebirths are so much safer in other developed countries. Yes also to the "natural" catch-all. I agree also that it is the woman's choice, but I think there is a problem with the home

Yes, I agree it can be made much safer, and I agree also that it is more dangerous in some states than others, namely because of the different regulations for midwives. However, I don’t get the point of choosing to have the baby at home. Look at your case. Yours only turned out OK because you ended up with a medical

Thanks, I just read an article about that study. I would never have read that if you hadn’t mentioned it here.

Yes, that’s what I’m having trouble understanding with home births. You can take control in other ways- birthing centers, midwife attended births in hospitals, advocating for stricter training and regulation of midwives, etc. Also, to make home births safer (if that is an end goal) then you first have to acknowledge

Yeah I can’t even begin to understand what that is about. It's something for which I have absolutely no context. I wonder if it has something to do with Obama being called a Muslim and a socialist? Like, I'll show that I'm the most patriotic capitalist muslim-hating black person there is?

By the way, I think there is a widespread problem in the US that involves noticing that X is not perfect and therefore deciding that X is useless. Let me give you an example: “Babies die in hospitals. Therefore, hospital deliveries are useless.” Despite the fact that statistically they are safer than home deliveries.

I don’t even know what it means “culture surrounding homebirth”. I learned about this topic first like most women- I thought it was a sort of new feminism. The attachment parenting and breastfeeding and homebirth movement seemed, to me, to be about women taking control of reproduction back from the patriarchy that

You’ll have a great time, I’m sure. Staying with families is the best way to see the country. Also, the best food is at home! I wear a face mask every time I step outside in Delhi. It seriously has the most polluted air in the world right now, especially if you are concerned about inhaling particulate matter. It's

Wow. I had no idea.

Oh wow, that’s interesting! It makes sense too since an ambulance can provide equipment and services even without hospital transport. If they are nearby, they can maybe respond to many emergencies almost as quickly as a hospital staff?

Transport could be a factor if distance from a hospital is part of the screening in the first place. I imagine it’s multifaceted (like most complicated things) and all of those things are contributors.

BTW- the "things happen in hospitals too" argument. Yes, I addressed that in my post. I'm sorry about your aunt- that's terrible and heartbreaking.