
I have no idea what that means.

I do this too with my husband, even though I kinda think it's hot.


I'm confused about that one too. At first I thought it said "eat her pussy like Jesus ate the last supper" which I thought was funny but odd. But then I see it says "eat her pussy like she just made Jesus the last supper" which is even odder, but also smacks of "that gal deserves a big O for going in the kitchen and

really? Is it common enough that if you saw, like 100 cocks, you'd see more than one of those monsters? Because frankly, that shit would scare me.

Sex positive means you have an open-minded and non-shaming mature/honest attitude about sex, and that you approach your relationships (hookups or otherwise) in this way. I suppose someone could be a sex-positive asexual if they were open and honest about it and only entered into relationships with people that were on

Don’t rewrite what you’ve said. It’s disingenuous. When you explain details of these things, it’s all very reasonable. But this started because you said "I avoid sex like the plague" which is really harsh language and totally different than the honest sex positive approach that you then describe. I know we all say

Well that all sounds reasonable. Does sound like you both could have avoided the whole thing by acknowledging in the beginning that sex is unimportant to you and important to him, but I know that things in life don’t always work out so neatly. I never suggested breaking up just because of the sex (although, yes, for

Depends. If you get a venereal disease on Veteran's Day, that's not romantic at all. A vaginal delivery while watching the Vampire Diaries, also not. Vin Diesel? Nope. Valentines Day though, it's all what you make it.

Unless you are my psychotherapist (which would be really creepy), you are using the term incorrectly. I did not go to school in the US at all. Neither of those two topics should have new numbers, btw. 8 is an elaboration of an earlier topic. 9 is completely irrelevant to anything.

I’m not concerned. It’s just an mildly diverting conversation to waste time. I was originally interested because of your very strong wording “avoid sex like the plague” and I asked why. It’s a curious thing to say and do, so I’m interested in why. Obviously I can’t know anything about your relationship that you don’t

I prefer the term “intolerably pedantic” but if civility doesn’t concern you then your words are fine. Seventh, I have more sympathy for the dead man and his family.

Well I’m not sure if you are asexual or not. If you are, then yes you can select that on OKC. Regardless, if you do not enjoy sex, it’s important to tell your partners that. What you are talking about here makes it sound more like you have desire that fluctuates within the parameters of a relationship, in which case

I bet there are LOADS of dudes out there who have fantasies about Mrs. Brady, especially dudes just a decade or two younger than her.

First off, I'm not a kid. Second, you are bringing up false equivalencies. Third, I've never called a cop a pig. Fourth, "pig" isn't cool slang these days. Fifth, I have had unanswered 911 calls.

That's not a coincidence. It's an entirely separate matter. Moreover, I'm not the one insulting people or telling people to shut up. I'm freely giving opinions about interesting topics online which is what people do online. I'm doing it in a polite and civil way, which is what some of us do online.

I’ve repeatedly agreed with you. I’ve just said that it’s selfish if you don’t tell the person that from the beginning. Beyond that, yes you are well within your rights to ask for whatever you want. But I think that you will find that it is going to complicate all your future relationships unless you date people who

I think you might be under the impression that you aren't on an Internet chat board? Time for a quick reality check.

Nope. The fact that there are more egregious cases of police violence does not excuse this person's manslaughter. The problem isn't that he has been convicted. It's that the others weren't. This is a good thing. I'd be sympathetic if he'd have immediately called an ambulance. Or announced himself or used a tazer or

You keep reading things into what I said. I don’t know anything about your relationship. What I said is that you need to tell the other person up front that you have no interest in sex. Perhaps you did that, in which case, shame on that boy for resenting you for something that you told him up front that you would not