
Disappointing. As if there aren’t dozens of important reasons to not want to vote her into office. Her explanation also makes no sense for some pretty obvious reasons: 1. Clinton is the more conservative candidate and Bernie is the more radical one. 2. Bernie is not at all charismatic or attractive.

Rohan is also a pretty common traditional Indian name for boys (has nothing to do with LOTR). So I bet her name choice has more to do with some Hinduism pretension rather than a LOTR reference. She seems way to self-unaware for scifi fantasy fandom

We are going in circles regarding the issue of women’s health.

Cheating is complex- there are all sorts of reasons people do it. And women cheat as often as men, so I wouldn’t call this a misogynist thing necessarily. Not to say that it is ever correct to be dishonest to people who trust you- that’s a whole level of shittiness of its own. But it really doesn’t have anything to do

Well he left baby Luke with Luke's aunt and uncle where he was relatively safe and had a normal childhood; meanwhile Obi Wan was nearby waiting for him to come of age. I say that's pretty responsible, considering what had just happened.

How can you tell from that shot? Is there a wider show in which you can see him better? (You d0n't have to find a screen grab- I'll take your word for it! It's just that I didn't notice. ) Also Simon Peg- that dude is all over the scifi world.

Oh that is possible, especially if they thought she died. Otherwise, the light saber thing surely would’ve given it away? But I think that if she were their child, they would’ve mentioned her when they were discussing Ben between themselves. We DO see them alone after they reunite, and surely if they had any idea that

I don’t know. I have shaved my legs in public showers before because that is generally where I have my daily shower during the work week as I go to the gym before work. But maybe I’m a weirdo! Anyway, my point was more general than that- that perhaps in the design of showers, the fact that women take longer and/or do

Oh, I didn’t know that about the flashback. Didn't notice that detail. I see- interesting.

lol, I have to admit that I don’t understand anything about your post. Ditched? Hand/voice pulling her away?

Did they say that happened? All we know is that she was left on that planet, and she ends up working for the scrap dealer. She could’ve been left with someone else who died. She could've been left in an orphanage but now works in scrap since she's older. She could've been left in the care of people whose fortunes

Has it been confirmed that Snoke is a man? Did anyone use male pronouns when talking to Snoke?

If this is the case, I think it's sort of disappointing the way they reacted to her. Han seemed to like her without knowing who she is- niece or daughter- and then as she showed her skill with the force seemed to start to recognize her. Leia also. If it was their long-lost daughter, surely they'd have been a bit more

I suspect it's because he's been up in his Jedi temple doing Jedi badass force stuff that will make sense once it is revealed, and I suspect that her power with the force is because he's been protecting her from afar somehow.

Yeah, the dad is Luke, and the abandonment will have some noble reason that will excuse him- like she’d have been targeted otherwise or it was to protect her from something else- and we’ll find out that he’s been using the force to assist her all along, etc. It won’t be that he’s just a deadbeat dad.

Yup totally agree. I’m just saying their stance is more consistent- not less insane or less brutal - just more consistent. But perhaps you are correct that they aren’t actually motivated by the religious belief but more just by punishing women. This is a thing too-like the idea that a woman should be married to her

When men respond with “not all men” they are actually contributing to the problem and being a part of what they are trying to exclude themselves from. The way you demonstrate "not all men" is by being a feminist, and the appropriate response from a "not all men" man is to listen, rage with women, and call your male

I think it's the frustration of their sense of entitlement running into the reality that they aren't all that. I mean, their only options to deal with this are to reflect that A) maybe they aren't all that or B) maybe it's everyone else's fault.

Yes but it is at the core, emotionally, of the whole anti-choice mindset. This is why I almost have more respect for those insane hardliners who are anti-choice even in the case of rape and incest because at least it is consistent with the idea that a “soul” is valuable in and of itself rather than with the idea that

Ah, but death or physical ailment is nothing compared to the guilt that a woman feels at not living up to the highest embodiment of the female experience- motherhood. I mean, true motherly love requires sacrifice. It's noble to die in the service of a baby.