
Yes that’s true, but it’s more than that even. The fact is, no one is entitled to attention or conversation from anyone. You could be the best catch in the sea- the most awesome guy in the world who would never do anything harmful to anyone- and I’m still perfectly within my rights just to not want to talk to you for

Well what you can do about it is to be a vocal ally to women. Tell people, especially other men, that you are feminist. Reclaim that word. And call your guy friends out when they are acting like misogynists. Naturally, also, support feminist legislation.

Also, sorry that the tone of this is sort of angry. I'm actually not angry at all at what you are saying in your perfectly calm discussion. I was posting in another thread that was making me rage, and I carried those feelings over to this discussion. I mean what I said, but I didn't mean to say it like that, if you

Yes, I’ve heard some of those speeches. I don’t know if the women I heard speaking got paid for it or not. I’m sure there are women who regret their abortions. I don’t understand the logic behind removing choice though- it infuriates me. Like, they were allowed to make a choice and now think they made the wrong one,

Yes that may be. But you disagree based on your experience of rarely being out in a public restroom that is not at your workplace. So I don’t understand how you can keep making arguments about the experience of women who ARE frequently out in public restrooms that are not their workplace. Also, yet again, you’ve

I know. The rage. I can’t even...

You are kicking ass with all your logic and rational arguments!

Yes, but I think that people who conflate the two when making an argument against abortion are being selfish and thinking emotionally. My reproductive organs work just fine and I have no desire to have children. I’m also prochoice, and if I ever became pregnant (highly unlikely but IF) then I would have an abortion

Oh I should have scrolled down a bit before I posted what I just said because you said this in a much better way. Also, thanks for the article suggestion- this is exactly the feeling I've had about it, but it will be nice to read it in more detail.

I know. It blows my mind. Brainwashing? What I've found is that there are some people who can understand situations when THEY are in them, but can't understand others. Like, my abortion was valid because of X circumstances, but most of you are just sluts. It's fascinating how many prolifers have actually had an

Nonsense. Women are frequently out in public and using the restroom alone. The majority of the time I’m in public, I am not with another person, man or woman.

I think some of the reason is that men do fewer things in the shower. It’s faster for them, traditionally, as well. Women are more likely to have longer hair to wash, but also they shave legs in the shower which is time consuming and puts you in all sorts of contorted positions, and finally they have periods which

I know what you are saying, and if that is what you are comfortable with, then that is fine. We don’t live in a culture where it is the norm to be naked, even in situations when it is non-sexual and perfectly safe. So I understand that it makes you uncomfortable, and really that’s pretty low on your list of things to

But what is the benefit? Seriously I don’t see the need to redesign everything. There are risks to having men in vulnerable places with women. What are the benefits to this? I can’t think of a single benefit to making large multiuser stalled facilities available to men and women at the same time. If we are worried

No, you miss the point. You don’t conduct experiments like that which cause unnecessary risk to women. It is a fact (not an “I wonder if”) that men harass and sexually assault and abuse women on a MUCH larger scale than other women do. This is a statistical fact, not a fear that we need to experiment to see if it is

I do understand that. However, I also think this is not just about MY preference. I think it’s something that is never going to please everyone (nothing usually does) but that the majority of people (including men) have agreed upon in situations that involved mixed-gender and mixed-age toilets, such as households. I

Snowflake Especial is actually where I landed from my rabbit hole yesterday. Fascinating stuff. This is touching on what bothers me about Kaitlyn Jenner. I've always had a problem with "female" being reduced to an interest in clothes and dressing the way a straight privileged white dude would want a trashy woman to

Uh, no. There is a teeny tiny percentage of the population like that- who do not accept gender- fewer than 1% even. On the other hand, a full quarter of women will be sexually assaulted by men in their lifetime. Or more according to some studies. So just no. And that nonsense about society changing AFTER you implement

That is what internet conversations are for. Obviously neither of us are conducting rigorous scientific research here or submitting our thoughts for peer review. Well in a way, you're the peer review. :)

I don’t think she’s ever proven herself to be at all interesting. She’s a terrible actress and always comes across as self-conscious and sullen. Plus she slept with her directors, which I'm mostly blaming on the director- he is the one that was married. But still, it's hard to hear a woman talk about how women should