
OK, hold on though. For it to be a valid criticism, you can’t include all the characters that are related to Luke and Leia. It’s a family story, and the protagonists happen to be white, so their extended family is made up of white people. Now you can make a perfectly valid complaint about the larger prevalence of

Really? Are you saying that men are conditioned to feel that their (men’s) lives are expendable? Is this a thing? I never thought of it that way, but I suppose that could be the flip side to chivalry and valor? Hmm... If that’s true, it devalues men and infantilizes women. I think people are correct when they point

I have no idea who those people are. But to be honest (though a confession might undermine the authority of my earlier post), I’m the sort of hardcore Star Wars fan that pretends that someone went back in time to the mid-90s and hit George Lucas over the head with a shovel thus rendering the Prequels impossible. If

Fascinating. I guess everyone wants to be in the lowest weight class possible so that they will have the best chance of winning? But to an outsider (like me), seems a shame they can't all just weigh in at their training weight which would level the playing field back out again. That's how I always feel about doping,

I still don't understand it. The article doesn't really say how she did it. Will severe dehydration and a 24 hour fast alone allow you to lose that much weight? That's just nuts! Also seems dangerous.

Whoa, look at her arms! Also, she's pretty damn tall (5'8"), and really how do these women drop twenty five pounds to fight like you guys say they do? I'm not doubting as I don't know anything about this, but it seems really crazy to me. I mean, it makes sense that they might drop five or ten pounds, but 25?

Look. Here’s the thing that people can’t get through their heads. ISIS type fundamentalism is an ideology. There are ways to combat that, but you aren’t going to enact a policy that prevents its spread into your country, no matter where you live. You aren’t going to simply prevent every single possible terrorist

I don’t know. I thought that too, and yes of course it is political grandstanding. But he is a politician, and the systems that we’ve created require political grandstanding. So I’m a cynic also and I don’t believe for a second that he is ENTIRELY motivated by the drive to do the right thing (only). But still, I’ll

Yea I did too. There are just too many things to feel about it and words don't work.

Well... How many women are there in Star Wars anyway? There’s Leia from the originals, and she’s white. So naturally, her mom in the prequels is going to be white. And the gal who stars in this next one (we’re assuming it’s her daughter? Or Luke’s daughter? Somehow in the family), naturally she’s going to be white

That was a really interesting article. My initial thought is that they should not change any standards. But after reading it, I realize I don’t know anything at all about this. Maybe the physical standards do exclude people who could bring useful and needed skills otherwise. Maybe the response isn’t to change the

And, in your opinion, are they able to hold their own as well as the guys? I assume some guys are better combat soldiers than others, so I’m not asking if they are generally good at it, I’m asking if you find that there tends to be the same number of good, average and poor soldiers in combat among women as among men.

That's what I was wondering, too. How many women could physically reach those standards? But I have zilch in experience with the military so what do I know. Anyway, I was thinking what you said- that few women would be able to cut it just due to physical differences. However, those that cut it, I still don't see why

Makes sense. I'm not at the scale with her, so I have no way of knowing anything beyond a google search! But even still, 150 is far from 175, though I believe Ronda is of average height, so perhaps a tall woman could be fit and muscular at 175 without being over weight.

Alright, with No Country, I can't remember what spoiler we are talking about. What happened in the beginning and what did it "spoil"?

Sixth Sense works. It works even if you already know the spoiler from the beginning because it’s a good movie that is not contingent on the “gotcha” of the spoiler. The twist was fun the first time (for those of us who aren’t as clever as you are) but the film keeps working on subsequent viewings. All his other movies

I don’t know. I keep seeing people say stuff like this, but I think sometimes people underestimate how much of their weight is actually fat and overestimate how much muscle weighs. But I might be way off with this, so correct me please if I’m wrong about your own particular details and perceptions- obviously I’m

Did they say that though? I agree that is concerning if it's true, but where did they say that?

I bet that’s not THAT common though for women who aren’t that tall or overweight. I bet your friend is an outlier. I mean, Ronda Rousey weighs 135, and Serena Williams is just under 150 and she's very tall. 176 seems pretty big for a gal who is not overweight.

Is it? If so, that's a valid concern. But is that happening?