
That, and having to deal with the wives being jealous if they form a relationship with their combat sisters.

Well group dynamics are weird. I imagine the buddy aspect will be similar to other groups that have integrated women. They are treated differently (and even resented or scapegoated) by some of the men. This causes the women to respond to situations different or to be held to different standards and expectations. Then,

I don’t understand why they wouldn’t be able to develop that same level of camaraderie and buddy motivation with women. What do you see as prohibitive?

Yeah, agree with all this. The worries about cheating and mental weakness are infuriating. Get the fuck over it.

I don't follow how this would set a precedent for anything other than how to handle future situations in which someone is unwillingly implanted with someone else's embryos. I mean, sure if the father had his sperm put in some other woman without his knowledge or will, then yeah, but otherwise, I don't follow your

Obviously! But it's not fair to race the genetically modified ones against the not modified ones unless the not modified ones are allowed to dope.

I don't know. I think I disagree with that, from the Doctor's POV. The humans seem hot for him, but what has he ever done that seemed hot for them in return? With Rose, it's hinted at but never shown or stated. Nada with Martha, Donna or Amy. Hinted again with Clara and 11 though nada with 12. It's not a perfect

While this is mostly true, I think it is also an improvement for New Who and a PART of the reason that it currently has such a wider appeal. Change is often a good thing. Remember when the Doctor and Susan met again in Five Doctors and were just like “wassup” and nothing else? That didn’t work.

Yes, but if you think of the companions as pets, then it makes sense. Monkeys, I dunno. But I love my dog more than most people and prefer her company to just about anyone's, and I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm way cooler/smarter/more reliable than I actually am, and believe me when she dies I'll be a mess. If she got

I thought it worked with Rose, but you can’t repeat that sort of thing. It made Martha seem a little desperate which was a shame because otherwise she was a great character and that was a great series. They figured it out by Donna, though. And smart move to have Amy be in a relationship with Rory. Not sure what they

OK I’ve read a ton of comments, and about Clara, I think I’ve overthought it or else the majority of you aren’t thinking about it. Maybe I’m being fangirlishly dense, but Clara DID die in the moments after the raven- she just gets an interim during which she travels about with Ashildir in their own TARDIS. That

Oh dear god! It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along! Why oh why can't my sci fi soaps consist of pieces that fit together neatly?

OK. Thanks. I'll take that and run with it. Totally accept that and am happy to not think too hard about it.

I know we shouldn't over think these things, but... If that's the case, then why in the world would the Doctor have needed to use The Moment at all? Sounds like the Time Lords had already won.

This has always been a problem with Who. Hinting about great Time Lord myths and battles gives the show texture and gives the Doctor mystery and an unknown backstory with gravitas - and also allows the writers to give the Doctor motivations to do just about anything. But the moment you actually go to Gallifrey and

Missy will never buddy up with anyone. She'll manipulate Me in to making that happen, then kill her.

My take on it was that the Doctor does in fact know something about the hybrid and he did in fact refuse to tell it. Also, he used all this as leverage to get Clara back- all those things are true. Maybe Moffat is leaving this open for the future, or maybe it’s a plot we will revisit. But I think the Doctor knows

This. Not to mention that they are a real mess (disgusting to clean up mouse shit and piss from inside your cabinets) and a fire hazard (nibble through cords and wires). They destroyed our lawn mower- ate right through several of the hoses. Plus they get up under the house and crawl up into the walls where the squeal

Yes, I've done that. I've killed probably a hundred mice with snap traps over the past several years that I've lived in the country. In all that time, I've had four mice get caught in them without them dying right away, and yes it was messy and ugly and probably torture for the mice. It is not something that I want to

Ha! And just think- if it were 100 dollar bills and you fell in but got out in an hour, would you go back and get another 100 dollar bill? Hmmm....