
I've never seen that before. I use snap traps, but that thing looks fierce!

It gets tricky with mice because they learn the traps after a bit. Usually you kill all the dumb ones first, and the rest won’t go near the traps. Anything that prevents a person from resorting to poison is a good thing as poison affects the soil and other animals too. If you poison a mouse, you might end up poisoning

Ha ha. I had not noticed that until now.


Thanks- this video was well-done!

Oh that’s a good idea to improve the trap, but there is no way I’m going to drive a mile away each time to save a damn mouse.

Oh whatever. My house is over 100 years old and there is a four acre field behind my house which is itself in a rural setting of ranches and forests. Rodents are just a part of the landscape. In my yard, we have mice, rats, voles, gophers, snakes, frogs, toads, armadillos, opossums, raccoons, bats, owls, hawks, dozens

Oh dear. We don’t all live in places where that sort of thing is possible. I can keep mice out of my house, but I can’t keep them from crawling under it or from going into my shed- and they do extreme damage in both places. If you don’t kill them as soon as you see evidence of them, they breed FAST and then you have

I sympathize, as I can’t afford half of the things I wish to sew also. But I do want to point out that people who were that poor at that time did not usually purchase fabric for most of their clothes. Maybe one nice dress that would be handed down throughout the family every year to a younger child. But they weren’t

ha! Also, do they really teach Mormon boys that masturbation is evil? So sorry! And yes, why oh why haven't you dressed up? I bet you can get more mileage out of that uniform in bed than you got going door to door.

I was taking a physiology class at the time I had this dream. I like to think that explains it or at least excuses it.

It’s possible we are saying the same thing, here. What I’m trying to prevent is exactly what you are talking about. Prospective parents take on the children in foster homes then choose not to adopt or dissolve the adoption process because they can return to their old lives while the child cannot. You are correct- if

Can’t disagree with that at all, for parents who are not seeking babies, that is.

Hmm, I see the nuance you mean. Yes, of course, individuals in individual circumstances vary. I’m responding to the suggestion that parents, looking to adopt a baby, might as well look to adopt an older kid from the foster system as if it is even remotely the same thing. Also, it’s worth pointing out that in my

Maybe I’m using the wrong words. What I’m trying to express is that plenty of foster parents go into this naïve. They just think they need to patiently love a child, and YES, often times they make it about them- it feels good to think you can be someone’s savior. Other times, they work/live in a situation in which

Actually, I did not bring up attachment disorder. Someone else did and I mentioned it in one or two subsequent comments. Also I never once said anything even remotely similar to it being a sure thing. In fact, I repeatedly said SOME- NOT ALL foster kids have special needs, and I discussed in detail that the RISK of

I never said regular people couldn’t do it. I said that it is not something that ANYONE or MOST PEOPLE can do. Most prospective parents are not skilled enough (nor do they desire) to take on an older child who has a higher chance of having emotional problems. What part of this statement is controversial? I really

Thanks for that! Interesting!

Nobody needs you to remind people to be careful with their words. She wasn’t talking to you in the first place, and people don't have to go around being sensitive to all the people on the planet who could possibly be offended by what they say. It is a totally NORMAL thing for parents of young children to make jokes

Oh well that sounds better at least, though I know it comes with its own set of challenges. For one thing, those kids are probably rarely in what the rest of us would consider a "normal" social environment. This is what I meant about having resources though. Raising a special needs child- one who must be in a