
Consider that, though. First off, I could handle a child with severe physical or medical problems MUCH BETTER than I could handle a child with emotional or psychological problems. That is something I know about myself. Other adults know different things about themselves. But in my case (and many people are like me)

Yes, we were not talking about foster care.

I'm sorry you are dealing with that. Unless you are in a special needs classroom and have the proper resources/help to manage them, there is no way a teacher should have that many seriously needy kids in the same class. And I assume this is BEFORE counting the kids who are ESL and the ones who are dyslexic or on the

There are two different ways that attachment disorder expresses itself, and I’m not sure if they are two entirely different diagnoses. One is reactive attachment disorder and the other is disinhibited attachment disorder. Both stem from a child’s failure to bond (which is a nasty way to put it since the child didn’t

No. SOME people without an abundance of resources can. MOST people find parenting of children who they raise from birth to be very overwhelming. It’s not a matter of what you are prepared to do for biological vs adoptive children. It’s a matter of how much extra hardship you want to knowingly take on in life. There

We weren’t comparing foster care adoption to international adoption. We were comparing domestic adoption of babies to international adoption of babies. Most people do not want older children from foster care due to the fact that many want babies and some of the kids have emotional/physical problems that parents are

I don’t have the slightest idea. When we looked into it, years ago, it was significantly cheaper to adopt in India because we have dual citizenship (or the equivalent; technically it’s not dual exactly) and we could adopt as Indians then take the child back to the US as our child after a short time. Seriously, the

And yet every bit of your post is accurate. I've considered having babies, but infants are boring and toddlers are a nightmare. So then I’ve often thought that I’d like to adopt a five year old but then, I’d have to find a really well-cared for five year old. So, a five year old of very loving parents who did all the

Honey, I can't sleep with that damn cattle skull reflecting in your lightbulb mirror.

Yes, this. Though it's not always the case, it is something adoptive parents must consider. And I don't think there is anything wrong with admitting that you don't have the skills and/or resources to help a child that has special needs. It doesn't do anyone any favors to let your idealism overshadow your practical

I know it’s not a problem for rich celebrities, but for average folks, it is sometimes cheaper and faster to adopt internationally. It depends on individual circumstances.

Well, have you worked with many foster kids? A lot of them have really serious emotional (and sometimes physical) problems. It's heartbreaking, and all children deserve a loving home, and I think it is wonderful that Bullock has done this- especially since she has the resources to help the little girl out with any

Or maybe Jay Z just snores. Beyoncé is a hard working woman. She needs to sleep.

Me too, though it surprises me. I guess that combo of calm, content, healthy, smart and Swedish that comes across in that pic?

Yes, I know that for sure! I was just posting in another discussion about how intolerant many Europeans are toward immigrants. I think most Americans don't realize this because the stereotype is "American = racist brute; European = tolerant sophisticate". But I wonder why Belgium is having this problem on a greater

Yes I wondered if you had your ovaries removed. That sounds terrible. I would not do that. It is not such a big deal to get approval for the hysterectomy as you are making it sound, in my case. There are loads of answers to all your questions, but I don’t really want to get into the personal details here, though I

Ha ha! The Indian side of my family hardly drinks at all. When I go there, we’ll sometimes have one drink BEFORE dinner and not a damn thing during or after. If you ask for a second, they’ll give it to you with a little joke, no big deal but it’s definitely noticed. If you asked for a third, well maybe you can get

It is a medical necessity. I'm in intense pain and bleed to the point that I basically need to just sit on the toilet for a quarter of my life. There might be other ways to treat it, but this one is viable. I see no point in destroying the lining of my uterus but leaving my uterus and cervix in tact to continue to be

That's good advice. I do think it was fair that he wanted to try the pill first.

I know! The hysterectomy (partial) with insurance will cost less than the pill for one year. I don't want an IUD.