
Ha ha! Seriously though, it's a good point. People often say things about how people should get counseling, but it's not as easy as it sounds. I've suffered off and on from anxiety and depression- sometimes it's worse than others. Usually I can get myself out of it after a few weeks, but there have been times in my

Let’s not be naïve. First off, those things are not mutually exclusive to also showing a picture of yourself or to expressing emotions. It is possible to do all of those things. Second, I’m not sure if you are young or just idealistic, but taking direct political action does not always mean that you can change a damn

He's made it all about him and the beef he has with the media. Wrong time, buddy, but good for him for getting the attention he wants.

Yes, there are trans people in all of those categories, but there aren't MANY of them. There are a very few, who deserve all the same rights of other women.

There is no way it is ever easy, but people have different experiences of divorce, just like they have different experiences of marriage. I've never been through one, but many of our close friends and family members have, including one brother and my parents plus both my stepparents and two of my best friends. Now,

Well maybe I’m dense, but I still don’t get what you are saying. Are you suggesting that average folks should google mundane statements before they retweet them? Totally, media people should, and journalists- that’s their job. But if my neighbor tweets something about the Eiffel Tower turning off its lights (keep in

OK, now we get to do Texas-bashing again and call an entire state shitty because of some of its shitty politicians. Can we call it what it is please? We can attack Abbott and the Republican base that supports him without losing the ability to see people for what they are. Turn it around- would you call Syria a shitty

Oh yes, that does all make sense when you explain it that way. Remember back when Mohammad Ali stopped being Cassius Clay? It took a while for the media and other famous people to catch on and start using the different name. I bet, at that time, no one could have ever imagined that his legacy and future fame would be

Nothing that is worth doing is easy. Also, just because something is difficult and worthy, doesn’t mean you should do it. That’s what I mean by more open conversation about what makes marriages work when they do.

I make no assumptions as to what you personally advocate for. You brought up a topic, I responded to it. Obviously this is one of the considerations- healthcare and other legal benefits are the main reasons non-religious people get married, and it’s why it was so important that same-sex couples get married. So I’m

Ha ha! Happy marriages are really fun. I think we hear far too often about unhappy ones, and it skews people's view of marriage and scares people. We should all talk more about happy marriages, and maybe it will help people learn how to be good at it too.

Exactly! Who are all these people that actually want to INCREASE the bureaucracy involved in their personal life? Mandatory counseling, mandatory renewals of licenses, etc!! NO! Most personal problems are never solved by bureaucracies. Marriages fall apart for multiple reasons, but primarily because of interpersonal

Yes, and not just that, but a lot of those ideas came from frustrated men who had “courted” a woman (hardly ever spending time with her) and then married her, only to find out they were really compatible and that she was not very interested in sex. Yet, they were stuck, as marriage was forever.

I can't imagine how it would be economically feasible for a person to have multiple short-term marriages in their lives, all of which receive their benefits for a time. That sounds like a bureaucratic nightmare- thrown at the symptoms and not the cause. How about we just really finally attack the health care system's

Seems like this is creating a thing for which there is no need. Shacking up in a long term relationship IS a temporary marriage. It already exists- we don’t have to make a new thing or redefine an old one. And as for marriage, it is whatever the two people want it to be. For most people, it is a promise to try to make

I don’t think she should be separated from Bruce. They are the same person. The way it has been explained to me (the way that makes sense to me, I guess) is that Bruce was a trans woman living as a man. I don’t have a problem with accepting Caitlyn as a woman, but certainly she is the same person she was before.

I think you are hitting on something here, but I think it has more to do with the sort of woman Caitlyn is and the sort of man Bruce was. I was just posting about this, because I’m conflicted about my own feelings about it. Caitlyn received the privilege of being a rich, white, athletic man for decades. I’m not

I don’t know how LGBs feel (but I doubt there is one consensus), but I have mixed feelings about it as a feminist. Right now, there are some major problems facing all women in this country: access to contraception, access to affordable health care, access to childcare, equal pay, etc. Then, on top of that, there are

Ridiculous. Every single mundane tweet that you see from someone in Paris should be read with suspicion and subjected to a Google search? Yeah, when I saw that there was a massacre at Bataclan, my immediate thought was, "I better double check if that's really a theater."

Even common sense isn’t the problem. It has nothing to do with common sense to know when the Eiffel Tower lights are on or off. Why in god’s name would any person outside of Paris have any reason to know that? It’s also not common sense to fact check some mundane sounding tweet from someone who is in Paris. It doesn’t