
Yes, also totally normal. It's annoying, but this is what people do- at least in English. There are loads of examples of this and studies that try to explain it. It's a really interesting thing to look into (what it says about social registers and historical uses of language). It's also a really funny thing to mock.

Exactly the problem I had with it. You tweet something that, at first glance, is believable and mundane. Then later shout “Fools! It was sarcasm!” Ok?

Before I play devil’s advocate, I want to establish a little cred and say that the flag overlay pic seemed a little icky to me, too. I didn’t do it. Nonetheless (devil’s advocate), best I can tell, people do it because they care and feel helpless. To me it seems pointless to say “you aren’t actually DOING anything”

Whatevs. I saw the “lights out on Eiffel tower” report. I didn’t pause to think “that’s odd” or “this seems historically inaccurate” or “I don’t think they had that electrical potential in the 1800s” or “surely the lights must’ve been out at some point during WW2” or any of those things. I saw it, glanced at the

Look, I don’t know the answer to this, but certainly this is not the first time a beloved, important and famous book has entered the public domain. The works of Shakespeare, Dickens, Jane Austen, Dumas, etc are all in the public domain- are all available for free online, etc. In the market place, publishers DO publish

Not a lawyer or a writer. But I buy books. If I’m buying something new that is in the public domain, I can pay a normal book price for it to get a nice hardback or a paperback with a pretty cover, etc. Or I can buy a simple slim volume and get the book for a dollar or so. Or I can go to Librivox and download it for

OK? Are you replying to me? Because I didn't say you said that.

Yes. Saying they should’ve noticed also blames women for being busy, being creatures of habit, etc and makes all sorts of assumptions about many people’s physical abilities and cognitive levels, etc. So you end up saying something like “busy women, women who are preoccupied, women who take their pills in the dark in

I don’t understand people who think there is anything at all wrong with early term abortion. To me, it seems like a standard medical procedure, like having a mole removed. But I live in the world, so I know that not all women feel this way. There are plenty of women who would not abort if their birth control failed.

Properly taken pills are more than 99% effective, so going on about how they aren’t 100% seems a little unempathetic, and it's really bizarre that you think they "shouldn't be surprised" when their form of birth control fails as it almost never happens. So yes, they should be surprised. It's more likely that they'd be

What's the point of the placebo pills anyway? Would it be harmful to take active pills the whole month, even in the period days?

It's very nearly true. There is only one dog in the entire universe that is a more beautiful lady than yours, and that's mine!

lol this is so true. My elder brother got married recently, and we just received all the wedding photos of our family. My grandmother and I were looking through them, and she said, in all seriousness, that she has such a good looking family. I smiled, yes that’s nice, we had all cleaned up well and were dressed nicely

He had a very good tailor.

Yeah, that too!

An argument? And what's OK?

Well, Noah was a drunk.

The best attraction is the ride where you get to float around in the ark while everyone else from your hometown begs to be let in and you say no and watch them drown. Fun for the whole family!

Ha ha. Yea well I feel that way about a dude that lives down the street. We're in the same social circle, we’re friends, he hangs out with my husband, the kids play together and I’m friends with his awesome girlfriend too. So no way anything would ever happen, but certainly I have moments where my inner teenager just

I'm not confused. I was trying to clarify what you meant because I cannot see at all how you understand the case this way. So OK- you are saying you think this is consent. I'm saying I think it's not. The court apparently agrees with me.