
I love the way you assume you know all about what she was doing and thinking. So fine, you think that she knew she was having sex with her friend and you think she is lying. That might even be true. If this turns out to be the case, then I agree with you. The victim could’ve fabricated the whole thing.

As far as I have read, she was blindfolded, but no matter. As I said many times now, I am dubious about the details of how this happened too. Unlike you, I'm not claiming to know what she could've done in the situation- I'm assuming that the court, which heard both sides, knows details I don't and I'm responding to

Blindfolded, not eyes closed, as far as I have read. I don't know what she enjoyed. I don't think pleasure is a factor. Seriously dude. An underage person or a drugged person or a person held captive might experience pleasure. There is still no consent.

Oh god, you’re right. I didn’t mean to be dismissive, and the way you describe it is heart wrenching. I just meant... Well keep in mind I’m straight and have only been with straight guys, so I don’t have that added layer of there being some people out there who feel they might need to be embarrassed or lie about me

Seriously? How is it the same situation to be fucked by a friend, a female who you know in real life and have decided NOT to enter into a sexual relationship with, vs being fucked by a totally different person, a man who you have met online who tells you a totally different life story and offers a completely different

You are taking my statement out of context. We were talking more generally. Perhaps I should have used a different word since yes, we were referencing this case, but I was thinking about situations in which people hook up with others under really bizarre circumstances (blindfolds, tied up, with someone they’ve never

Also, to be fair, we know nothing about the victim. Unless of course another story has revealed something. We don't know her age, her life experience, her intelligence, etc.

“Force" is not the only way to have sex with someone without their consent. I really thought we had moved past that.

I'm not sure which of my posts you are responding to, especially since I didn't post anything (I believe) in which I asked what someone else would do or if someone else would convict. There are very few things that would have me go to the police, but that has nothing to do with their legality or ethics.

That's way out of line, but it does sound like something I'd avoid- I mean, sex with straight people who just wanted to experiment on me. When I was younger, similar things happened with dudes- had sex in high school then later shamed you or lied about it, depending. I think some people just have major issues. I mean,

No. The woman thought she was fucking Kye Fortune, a man she's met online. It turns out she is fucking her friend, a woman she has never consented to. I don't see how you can look at those simple facts and conclude that she was fucking the person she thought she was fucking, only a dildo instead of a dick. Not true.

If it was a guy with a small penis using a dildo, it's still the guy she gave consent to. He's just lied about his dick size, which surely isn't a crime. I don't think the gender of the person involved is the point here. It's the fact that she made up an entire person- the victim consented to an entirely different

If we had a bigger house, I'd totally be down with this much of the time. Not all the time- sometimes I want to sleep together. But a hell of a lot of the time, I get better sleep alone. Still, in a small house, there's no choice. I'm not going to transform my dining room into a second bedroom.

Yes, all that is true. But the fact remains that some writer and then Abrams had to make the choice to include this in the story, and I'm saying that addressing it at all takes away from any sort of impact it might make. It's cool to have a universe in which a woman is a general, commanding rebel forces, and everyone

What do you mean, have similar stories? I get that you’d have an experience, and the other person might deny it or even make an excuse (I was drunk! I was desperate!) but surely it’s not common for them to claim they really didn’t know (had no idea that wasn’t a real dick!). To me, this just seems outlandish! But I

I’m sorry if you felt I was attacking you (?) or maybe I’m misreading your tone here. My point is only that you are responding to a story by talking about what you would or would not do. Which is cool- that’s how discussions run. But obviously there is an entire world of people involved in kinky stuff that would NOT

Totally. We have no idea if she was charged with rape, right? We're just speculating. She could've been charged with fraud, who knows. But I disagree a bit with your distinction. The victim DID give consent to a totally different separate person. She had no idea he was a fictional character.

If we are to believe the case, she fabricated an entire identity. Claimed to be a different person with a different identity who didn't exist. In the cases you are mentioning, someone exists, it's just they lie about details. You give consent to a real person, just to find out that you are fucked by that same person,

HA HA! You win the internet.

It’s not victim-blaming to wonder. I wonder also. Not just about the prosthetic, but also about the costume and the defense’s story. People are innocent until proven guilty right? The defense’s story makes sense too. She says they were role-playing, that the victim knew who she was all along, and that the victim