
Narrow worldview plus drugs is a combination for disaster in many situations.

I definitely have always heard “fit” to include health- mind and body, btw. Mentally fit, for example. Physically fit. Fitness routine. Etc. I never thought of it as synonymous with attractive at all as plenty of conventionally unattractive people can be very fit.

Well who knows what her deal was or why being involved in something competitive went to her head and made her such a bitch, but I bet there was some pre-existing issue. Working out does not make an otherwise sweet person with no issues become a mean, spiteful, narcissistic, shit-talking gossip girl.

That was very interesting and informative. For a person to intentionally use the wrong terms, they'd have to have some sense of all of this. I don't know if the author does or not. For myself, I've used the term "body building" to describe all of those things because I don't know enough about the sport to know there

There are always people like that. The bitchiest person I know is a stay-at-home mom who used to be a hairdresser. I wouldn't go around making assumptions about moms or hairdressers, though.

Look, there are loads of things that I find boring too, but I don’t go around assuming people have a mental illness because they like things I dont. Some people like video games, for example, which seems totally boring to me. They play for hours. Other people watch television. Etc. When I’m avoiding problems, I post

Bitterness is not a nice feeling. It's common, and good to acknowledge it, but it doesn't help anything to harbor feelings like that. There are loads of people who have an easier situation than you do, and there always will be. There are also loads of people who have a much rougher time than you do, and there always

Yes, Y has childcare and yes I believe they take children in diapers. At least I have a friend who's child is in diapers and goes to the Y childcare. I don't know if they charge for it or if it comes with the membership, but for sure it's worth checking out!

Don't they? I thought 'ripped' just meant big muscles (which may or may not be healthy) but that 'fit' meant being in very good shape (which must be healthy).

I think body building has always been popular, but lately it has become more acceptable for women to get into it. I think it's just a part of the larger visibility of female athletics in general- think the Williams sisters and the US female soccer team and Rhonda Rousey, etc. I think it just took this long for it to

750 calories a day?? And working out?? OMG.

It looks like there was some problem before she fell. Why was she bent over with all those people around her for so long before she fell down? Picking something up? Heel got stuck in carpet? Pointing to a trail of ants? She's not tying her shoes, there.

No, it’s just that she's had a lot of practice. This is a thing. Seriously. I knock over drinks and knock things off tables and drop things with such frequency that I've also become EXTREMELY good at catching them mid-air after I've knocked them over. People are always impressed and tell me I have the reflexes of a

Yea, me too, unfortunately. Mine tends to be dropping things and running into things. People think it’s funny at first. Then after they know me for a while, I find that I'm served wine in a plastic cup at their houses.

Which one do you think was fake? The one when she fell up the stairs before accepting the award? This is a joke, or do some people really think she faked it? I think she’s just clumsy. I remember back after the first fall and a bumbling speech to reporters, someone told her she was charming and she replied something

Oh man, that would be civil disobedience of my wildest dreams.

Ha! You are right. Also, that dude looks like he's in an astronaut suit to me.

Also, is there significance to THAT book? I think so. Totally planned it. That woman is badass.

Yes, I wondered that too. And look, the one woman on her phone nearby our hero is filming our hero- not Trump. Pretty sure the man to the left of our hero has no interest in any of it. Also the woman to the left of Trump who is filming the crowd. Ha ha. It makes me look really closely at the crowd. Ticked all the