
Which I think is perfectly fine for adolescents. There are lots of things out there in pop culture that only work when you are a frustrated adolescent, and it's totally legitimate to appreciate that. What's sad is that they still seem to be in that space. I mean, I can't imagine how exhausting it would be to be a

I don’t think it’s honoring voices to be a man-child. This sort of thing can be ironic and funny when you (and your fan base) are in your early 20s. But if you are still going on about the same thing 20 years later, it just seems sad. Growth is a good thing. Gosh, even change is a good thing. Being the same in your

Whoa. Hope your husband is dealing with that in healing way.


Could be just a rebound thing. Those tend to escalate quickly with lots of pda and intense emotions, and then they crash and disappear as fast as they came.

Yes. It was SO FUCKING HUMILIATING. I won’t even tell you which relative it was because it’s so embarrassing. And there were loads of other relatives around and I was trying to make a good impression, and it was a fumbling nightmare that still sometimes has a way of waking me up in the middle of the night and then

Oh man... How is it that so many parents really think this about their kids? I bet they are the same parents who, when their children were elementary aged, said, "I know my child, and he's not perfect, but he'd NEVER lie." Ugggh.

No, it's the face of drunken sobs- after the drunken rage wears off but the drunkeness remains. Remorse is way too complex an emotion to have in that state.

People are awful. But when I read an outlandishly crazy story like this, I wonder if there is more to it.

That's because he's a cat.

I didn't even know who they were until they came by my house selling nuts one day. I thought they were cute and I like nuts, so I bought them. Later my husband told me I should google them to see what I was supporting, and egads. What is it about conservatives and their regular interest in what we all do with our nuts?

I guess she'll be the next president. Could be worse (could be one of the clowns running with the GOP), but I have no enthusiasm or expectations for her other than "not crazy, more of the same". Meet the new boss, same as the old boss... Career politician, ho-hum.

Yeah, but most girl scout troops don't really. Depends on who runs them. Most seem to just sing songs and sell cookies. Boy scouts have much better organization and opportunities, and girls who are frustrated with their own troops can join Explorer post at least.

Imagine the things kids learn from other kids, romance novels, porn... Seriously adults need to talk to them about this shit more clearly and regularly or else we’re going to keep churning out fucked up adults.

Hope you have good results!

Well I don't think there is anything more either of us can say to each other about this. If I didn't say so earlier, I'm sorry that some asshole did that to you. You are brave to openly talk about it and use your experience as insight into the larger culture.

KFM with these three??

I think they are just so out of touch with the times that they still use gay as in "happy". Girl scout cookies, rainbows, puppy dogs- they all make you gay.

Actually, if there really was a vampire problem, and the right wing nuts started publically complaining about it, then the vampires could probably solve the problem pretty easily. Too bad the problem is actually the mentally disturbed delusions of this crowd and not real vampires...

I actually wish they would keep all the right wing crazies in the debates. Americans should see what the GOP has become.