
Yes, but that's where the gay vampires come in. The only way they are able to sustain their gay lifestyle is to suck blood from people trying really hard to remain heterosexual. It's unfair, but you DO have a choice: don't eat GS cookies, become gay, or let the gay vampires suck you dry. Up to you.


Now I feel silly for bringing it up. It's just when I heard that "I pay for this" comment, it hit a nerve and made me feel icky. But it's one statement about a fight- all marriages have fights and rough patches, etc. You'll have to excuse me because I started drinking around noon.

Let me tell you how I look at him. He’s a public figure. I can’t judge if he’s a nice guy privately, and frankly I don’t care. Maybe he’s been a jerk to someone who works for him. If so, she should quit. If he’s been unprofessional or even harassing, maybe she should take him to court. I don’t really care about this.

Yup I think some of the things he said in the 90s were problematic. Though, to be fair, I think what he said was that bi people were less likely to end up with the same sex (statistically) and also that they were unlikely t form long relationships with other people (of either sex) who are not also bi. Though I agree

ID Pleasure Sensual Lubricant (with ZING!). Simple and water based. Little goes a long way. But I haven't tried too many brands. I like this one better than KY but KY is fine too. We tried Durex brand and it was crap.

Also, very recently, he had a dude call in and say that he wants to face fuck his girlfriend but that the girlfriend isn’t into it because she says it feels violent and that as a feminist it troubles her. DS’s response was, well she’s right. You’re putting her in a position to have to experience something that is a

I didn’t say that. I said that rape culture is a real thing that can be used in sexual play. You don’t need S&M for that, and S&M can exist with or without that (remember, it’s not always men being sadists to women).

This isn’t a classroom discussion. It’s an online chat in a thread that I have been participating in. You bring something up, I respond, you respond with more info, etc. That’s why I asked, silly.

I didn't hear that episode, but I see no reason why he should touch on trauma or rape culture unless the woman asking the question brought it up as a reason she doesn't like S&M.

HEre it is BTW:

If they don’t respond to “mind your own business”, they are unlikely to respond to “go fuck yourself” any better. So then, if there is no way to make them shut up and no way to avoid them, the question isn’t about how you should get them to stop giving you advice but rather if telling them to fuck off will make you

If it’s a family member, I’d just tell them to mind their own business which is the same thing as “go fuck yourself” without causing the sort of insult that could contribute to future familial discord.

Ah, jeez, didn’t know we could get paid for that. All this time I’ve been doing it for free!

I bet you'd have to be good at chemistry for that, though. Maybe let's think smaller. Maybe we could invent a bottle of lube that has a lid that includes a wipey dispenser.

It was some talk he gave. I saw it on YouTube. I play things like that in the background when I’m sewing or cooking, so I didn’t pay that much attention. But the photos of Terry- those are all over the net. Haven’t you seen them? You can check out his instagram or his modeling, but here’s a nice collection:

That’s true. And when you offer opinions in a public forum without being asked, it’s perfectly appropriate for people to tell you that your opinion sucks and that you should go screw yourself with it. Likewise, if you offer opinions like that to the moley faces of real people, it's perfectly appropriate for them to

lol- makes it sound like I spend a lot more time thinking about this than I do, but I usually agree with Dan Savage, so when I heard him say that Terry spends HIS money, I was just like, oh no that's wrong.

Probably nothing and they are perfectly happy and I’m worrying unnecessarily. But Terry was a super-private, super shy stay-at-home dad all this time. And now that their kid is older (almost done with high school) he’s become a very public underwear model, and there’s loads of pics of him knocking about the clubs very

lol That was hilarious. It would be awkward to have a mole on your ass though. Think how often it would get pinched! I've had three removed, none malignant, but each suspicious. Two left no scar at all. The third formed a perfectly disgusting keloid. My brother, who has even more moles than I do, has had a keloid from