
Well, I get off from just plain old fucking more than anything else. If I didn't, then probably I'd be more into tongues and fingers. So I think that's it. If you get off easily enough from intercourse, then the tongues and fingers just feel like foreplay.

It’s all about the couple, and if you feel that way, be honest about it and love your life! Don’t feel any pressure- that is really young! But just saying that you can be with someone who also feels that way and be secret six together. In my own experience, I married super young (younger than 25 even) and it is

I love Adele. She'd be a success no matter what. If anything, she's been successful despite being bigger. And how refreshing to hear professional women talk about how hard it is to come back after a baby. Also, I don't read interviews with her often, but from this article, she sounds woman-positive. I mean, she says

Yes. Same here. Mine is more than willing, and if he really wants to do it, fine I'll play along. I don't dislike it or anything, it just doesn't really do much for me. I'd rather pass on it and do other things unless he just really wants to do it. That has nothing to do with me going down on him- it's not quid pro

Ummm... Did you read the article? You seem to think this was an article about a woman not going down on a man yet demanding that he go down on her. Which is odd since actually it is an article about two men who refuse to go down on women despite the fact that they get blow jobs from them. So, what the fuck are you

Yeah, my response exactly. I had one dude that was really good at it and I did orgasm that way, but it wasn’t any better and I certainly don’t prefer it. The problem with this article (and the really awful one that it links to) is that the men are like, “I hate this and will never do it for anyone but I still expect

Yeah, I was wondering about that. I mean, what are the chances that the first time he ever goes down on a girl, she jizzes like that? Usually it takes new lovers a while to figure out what they are doing.

Yes but every time I wonder if he's going to get on that plane.

Yes, but the real spoiler in that story would be revealing the twist ending.

Ha ha. That’s hilarious. Do Sri Lankans (or Sri Lankan Buddhists) have traditional taboos around periods? Like, can you handle food then, go to temple, etc?

I don't know too much about Jain history, but I suspect that the lack of large scale violence associated with that religion has less to do with its teachings and more to do with the fact that it is a small religion that never really spread across vast geographical areas. Like Buddhism, it was associated with some of

Of course Buddhism is vast, and terminology changes depending on sect. So this isn’t exactly true for everyone. We call a person who has achieved enlightenment an Arhat. They achieve this by following the path discovered by the Buddha. A Buddha is a person who discovers the path. Because the path is a truth, it is

Unless you consider self-violence as violence. Or holding up as models people who are self-violent and then perpetuating that image.

I taught 2nd, 4th, 8th and high school. There are different challenges and skills required in all of them. I never taught 5th grade, but they were around, and really fourth graders are nearly fifth graders by the end of the year. It depends on the school you are in and the population you are dealing with. Not all of

Buddhism is an organized religion (or several, actually) just like Christianity. There are plenty of nutjobs and crazy teachings. I don’t know why Westerners (Americans in particular) get so starry eyed when they talk about Buddhism. The fundamental teachings of the Buddha are relatively progressive and peaceful, but

Yes this is all true and I said something about this in my post. But the certification issue doesn't address the differences in skills required for 2nd and 5th. Certification addresses content, and it's just not THAT different. I mean, it's worlds apart for a 7 and a 10 year old, but for an adult, an elementary

I wonder if it was just the final straw from the teacher's pov. Certainly, she has had success in her profession. But she's moved into a much more difficult kind of school (Title One) and into a grade that traditionally has more behavior probs (5th graders act more like middle schoolers). I can see a teacher just

Yes technically that is all true. I think the point of the article (and for sure the frustrations of teachers everywhere) is that the certification requirements are becoming ridiculous. When I started teaching in the late 90s, you could get a lifetime elementary generalist cert. Now, the requirements are so detailed

Is that how it went down? I can't remember which thing came first. The bike ride happened AFTER she was released from quarantine, right?

Yes the gerrymandering has been brutal for Texas. I think this is one of the most important issues in Texan politics. Many traditionally blue districts disappeared in a short number of years.